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CHAPTER 5: HELL IN THEIR HEARTS [KoTM part 1] I_icon_minitimeby MinaAizawa Thu Oct 13, 2022 3:46 am

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CHAPTER 5: HELL IN THEIR HEARTS [KoTM part 1] I_icon_minitimeby Chelsea Creed Sat Sep 10, 2022 8:27 am

» Chelsea Creed
CHAPTER 5: HELL IN THEIR HEARTS [KoTM part 1] I_icon_minitimeby Chelsea Creed Sat Sep 10, 2022 7:54 am


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PostSubject: CHAPTER 5: HELL IN THEIR HEARTS [KoTM part 1]   CHAPTER 5: HELL IN THEIR HEARTS [KoTM part 1] I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2022 5:40 pm

Another thunderstorm over the BLIGHT farmhouse sets the scene — it’s a starless night, cloudy and concealed by dark clouds that blend in with the black skies. The crackling flashes of lightning split across dismal skies, followed by a torrential downpour of rain as it hammers against the roof of an abandoned home. Suddenly the back door eerily creaks open followed by loud, echoing steps from the back porch as The BOOGEYMAN herself appeared from the dark farmhouse. With the APEX Next Level Champion gripped harshly in her left hand, JUDITH swiftly moves towards the wooden chair nestled in the corner of the porch and takes a seat, laying her championship across her thighs. The BOOGEYMAN sits there in silence for a moment as the APEX Next Level Championship shines brightly whenever lightning strikes above, showing the remnants of blood from unknown sources...activities only The BUTCHER would understand.

After another flash of lightning and rolling growls from the storm above, JUDITH turns her head towards the camera with an unreadable look on her face; the shadows from the dim lights hid most of her fractures but all the viewers can see is an eerie smile gracing the black painted lips of the BOOGEYMAN. "When I made my presence known to the APEX WRESTLING UNIVERSE, I made it clear that I was here to hunt. To pour not only my blood but the blood of others on these sacred grounds and to bring pain to others that I cannot feel. And since day one, I did all of that and much... much more. It all started with Chelsea. She was in the wrong place at the fuckin most perfect of times. My first victim. My... First little plaything. I took her out of the equation the very moment I arrived in APEX WRESTLING and took her place against that pathetic plastic cunt that is known as Bae Havertz. Beat her as fast as lightning. Went on and defeated Emmanuelle and Nia Rambeau in a bloodbath but the aftermath was the best part of it all, honestly. Taking my Halligan bar, I wanted to end the reign of Emmanuelle in more ways than one that night, but you had to just stick your nose in my fun and ruin it all, didn't you, Chelsea? You attacked me with my own weapon of choice and took my Next Level Championship away from me. I bled that night but did not feel a thing...only began to plan our games against one another." JUDITH looks down at the Next Level Championship for a moment before looking back up. "Now here we are, Chelsea. At the final Level of our series of games and puzzles. You made it through most of them with a clear head and I cannot help but call you on those accomplishments. You proved to me that you are brave. That you can stand up to the darkness within but the true question that all of this has been leading you to is...can you truly go toe to toe with the BUTCHER of APEX? Only being here for such a short time, we have already seen that many cannot. Even outside of APEX WRESTLING, many have fallen to my brutal hands. And you? You might have stood tall for this long but soon; you will become no different than those other parasites I have crushed under my boots. Weak. That's just the way life goes in this business. You try with all your might to fight and destroy me, but we all know you cannot kill the fuckin' BOOGEYMAN. It's just the way it goes, Chelsea and you will learn it at King of The Mountain soon enough" Slowly, she shakes her head. "But nothing will help you against me. Even after seeing what all, you can do when you're back against a wall like a scarce dog. Bare teeth, worried eyes. But sadly, for you, Chelsea Darling; my bared teeth are larger, and my claws are sharper than anyone else that you have stood across from in that squared circle. I will rip, slice and dice my way through all the moves you try to make, throw you around like the pathetic plaything you are until I'm satisfied with what all I have done to your precious body. Body twisted. Worn down from the strikes of my blade. gasping for a final breath as you realize the dark abyss of death will hit you sooner rather than later. This is what I want. I want you to recognize what all I can do to you. All of this I am speaking about isn't just me talking myself up and myself into a threat. No, I am a fuckin threat. This is my hard work. I break humans like you down and feed on the pain I bring out of you. The cries of fear. The broken bones I will cause. This is all for me. My enjoyment. I want to cause pain to others that I cannot feel and it's now your turn to be my victim once more..." 

A rumble begins to echo overhead. 

"...My obsession." JUDITH's smile widens as another flash of lightning fills the starless night sky. Gently, The BOOGEYMAN leans forward in her chair. "Now... Don't get it twisted in that poor head of yours. You are not my first obsession, Chelsea. You are just the flavor of the week. The annoyance that has been stabbed into my side and for that, I will not stop till I have you right where I fuckin want you. Six feet under my boots, with the worms and the parasites. You think revenge against me will get you far, but you only walked into my trap. The said ball isn't in your court. You are not in the lead or the one pulling all the strings. This...this is all of my doing. I am the JIGSAW MASTER right now and you are playing all my games, damnit. No tables have turned while I was happily fucking with your mind. I've always been in control of this, not you. That's the fuckin twist of it all, Chelsea. I will be ahead of you on the battlefield, no matter how many steps you truly believe you are ahead of me... I'm always a mile ahead; waiting...watching...stalking you till you take the wrong turn and end up back in my claws." Suddenly the smile fades away as she leans back. "See, Chelsea. That's where you are wrong. I didn't make a mistake. I never do. I let you survive because that's what I wanted to do. I wanted you to think you made it out alive. I want you to believe that you are safe but we both know you're not. Tired of looking over your shoulder? Sick of the fear running up your spine and flipping your gut? Well suck it the fuck up. It's only just begun, and it will continue to eat you alive until you and I stand across from each other on the APEX WRESTLING battlefield. My hunting ground. This is my domain; you need to fuckin understand that. I made it mine when I bashed you into the floor. I claimed this Company. I claimed the Next Level Championship. This is MINE and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it, Chelsea. You can fight. You can claw your ways through the mud and dirt I drag you in but at the end of it all....at the end of this battle; The BOOGEYMAN will be the one standing tall like always. You cannot defeat me. I am always going to rise up and fight back harder than ever. You think you can stand up to me? Take me down and win for these people? You are more pathetic than I thought if you truly believe those words falling from your lips. Nothing...and I mean NOTHING, you do or say will save you from the likes of me and all I am WILLING to do to drown you in your own fuckin blood. That is what you deserve. You deserve to be put down by my hands and I honestly cannot wait to do so. Hell, I can use you ask the prime example to now fuck with me. That, at the end of the day, NO ONE CAN DEFEAT THE BUTCHER. I am the one who will not die. The Slasher Disaster who will ruin everyone and anything that stands in my way and right now--- that person is you, Chelsea. Like I said earlier, you are my obsession as of right now and nothing will stop me from getting my hands on you. That's a fuckin fact."

"So, with all this said and done... I promise you, Chelsea; Blood will be spilled on the top of the mountain. Whether it's yours, mine...anyone's. there will be blood among this battle of good and evil. Now you can keep telling yourself you are strong enough to beat me. You can hold it in your head, heart and soul even but deep down you know it's all a lie. I can see it in your eyes. The fear. You think all I care about is winning Championships? No. No." The BOOGEYMAN herself holds up her Next Level Championship, chuckling to herself. "This Championship was nothing more than a bonus to me when I got to beat the unholy hell out of Emmanuelle and Nia Rambeau weeks ago. I got to put them through all the pain and misery I wanted to. Bloodstain and tears. I got all I wanted from them when I broke them both down as hard as I could. See, that's what I care about...That's what I pray for each and every night before I step into the ring against ANYONE. All I want to do is bring pain to my victims and there's not a damn thing you can do about that, Chelsea. No matter how hard you try to beat me down and bring Honor back to this championship. You have no power in doing so. Honor. While I hold the Next Level Championship, Honor is Dead, and no one can bring it back to life. APEX WRESTLING is under my control. This Roster? Just another little group of playthings for me to break and as Champion, I will break everyone who steps up to me. One by one, they all will fall after you, Chelsea. This match against us will be nothing more than a warmup to me. Something to get my blood flowing in my veins and to show all of APEX WRESTLING I am the Monster everyone should be afraid of. So, at the end of this, Chelsea, you will be the start of my Carnage induced rampage in APEX. The first of many and as my first defense as Champion...I promise I will not be leaving King of the Mountain without the Next Level Championship... And your head on a fucking stick, Chelsea. That is my goal for our battle, and I will try my damnedest to make it a bloody reality. So, it's time to believe my words and get ready to die." 

JUDITH stands from the old wooden chair towering over the camera with a new wide grin on her face. "So, Tomorrow Night? ...Playtime will be over for you, Chelsea and honestly? No God will save you from me." With that, The BUTCHER slowly turned her body away from the view of the camera, stalking back into the BLIGHT farmhouse. The final shot of her was The NEXT LEVEL CHAMPIONSHIP dragged behind her as the heavy, echoing steps were washed out by another growl of the monstrous storm above. The scene goes black.

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