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CHAPTER 6: FEAR ON THEIR FACES I_icon_minitimeby MinaAizawa Thu Oct 13, 2022 3:46 am

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CHAPTER 6: FEAR ON THEIR FACES I_icon_minitimeby Kevin Maverick Sun Sep 11, 2022 9:14 am

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CHAPTER 6: FEAR ON THEIR FACES I_icon_minitimeby CHAOS Sat Sep 10, 2022 11:40 pm

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CHAPTER 6: FEAR ON THEIR FACES I_icon_minitimeby pussy Sat Sep 10, 2022 11:21 pm

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CHAPTER 6: FEAR ON THEIR FACES I_icon_minitimeby Sayla Sat Sep 10, 2022 7:50 pm

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CHAPTER 6: FEAR ON THEIR FACES I_icon_minitimeby Chelsea Creed Sat Sep 10, 2022 8:27 am

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CHAPTER 6: FEAR ON THEIR FACES I_icon_minitimeby Chelsea Creed Sat Sep 10, 2022 7:54 am


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PostSubject: CHAPTER 6: FEAR ON THEIR FACES   CHAPTER 6: FEAR ON THEIR FACES I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 21, 2022 10:17 pm

CHAPTER 6: FEAR ON THEIR FACES LVePqfmtBhYN5ItV6jB03BH5TX28DI9ila9BdmrG6QG8DVoA6bPUHB08Thj2A6FO_1W7Cc6Qh_cy8v7OyGgkXIkKhaBNt9vbYDbBmlvfF3J-GUiiq-FzwP3dnRk4Ph-lsn5q4Nv1OeXNQxiJYRbmjw
There’s a full moon above Sacramento, California, casting the dreary town in a blast of pale light, silver pitted against the cloudless, black horizon. A warm breeze permeated the air, which had the BOOGEYMAN herself out and about this summer evening. Her eyes kept on the hectic stretch of bars and diners across the way from the CATCH PRO WRESTLING. She snorted in annoyance as The SHAPE OF HATE could hear the rancorous laughter, watching several bodies drifting in and out of the neighboring shops. “Human life is simply... Pathetic. They move in lines like ants in search of things to make them feel alive. Feel something. Pain & Pleasure. They tell themselves stories to make themselves feel safe under the light of the moon as they scurry along these streets as they try to find love and create connections that will end sooner rather than later. Yes, they search for all these things, only to die in the end with nothing but more stories to pass on to others who simply do not care. These stories. Fantasies. That's what you called, right? Things like make believe but things I speak about, they aren't those kinds of stories. They are filled with fantasies. When I speak, I talk about the tales of my life and things I have done in this short time on earth. These are not fairy tales like unicorns and mermaids. Ghosts and goblins. The horror I speak of is more fact than fiction and soon...I'll have you believing every word that falls from my scarred lips." 

JUDITH takes a slow breath before leaning herself up against the warm brick of the building. "Now before I begin to even focus myself on you, Elizabeth; I rather speak more of your young protege that I beat into the match no more than four nights earlier. Yes, I must say she did have me on the ropes, and I can easily say no one hasn't done that to me before now but besides that... She was just another victim like you will be. You taught her well, I suppose but you? You have more hate in your heart for me than anyone I have met and it's hilarious to me...like Do you honestly believe if you're protege who you trained and taught everything you knew couldn't take me out and peel off the Next Level Championship from my cold dead body that you can? Fuck, you act like this Champion vs Champion match is for the championships but it's not, Elizabeth. Even if you find a way to beat me to submission in our main event match, you get NOTHING. Nothing but a prideful feeling in your chest that you beat the BOOGEYMAN in a singles match. That's it. You speak of how I am ruining everything the NEXT LEVEL CHAMPIONSHIP stands for but let's be fuckin real for a moment, Elizabeth. What did this Championship stand for before I got my grip onto its straps? It was held by that annoying cunt EMMANUELLE, who believed she could sit back and rest her feet up while she held the championship around her waist. She called herself a fighting champion, but she was nothing but a fluke. Just a placeholder until someone better came along and snatched it away. I am the NEXT LEVEL CHAMPION for a reason. I did not need help to make it to where I am. I did all of this on my own, Ms. Tag Champ." The BUTCHER shakes her head slowly, "But like I say time and time again: Holding this Championship is not what matters to me. It does not make me the monstrous woman I am. You can think and try to make everyone around you believe that the NEXT LEVEL CHAMPIONSHIP is what makes me The BUTCHER and without it am I nothing but that's the biggest fantasy story you can tell the locker room, Elizabeth.  Maybe you tell that to yourself and others to make them not fear the BOOGEYMAN. Maybe not. Who knows why stories get told about others but right now I can tell you that all of it is truly nothing but straight up bullshit. See, before digging my claws into the NEXT LEVEL CHAMPIONSHIP, I was just as brutal and venomous as ever. I took everyone who stood in my way, and I dragged them to hell and back. I hurt people for fun. I sank my fear and daggers into their skins because I can. Because that's what I want to do inside of the squared circle, Elizabeth. I don't fight for honor or for the gold. I don't get to make my opponents feel the pain I cannot feel. So, hearing you think that the ONLY reason I brought all this murderous pain and anguish to the likes of BEA HAVERTZ, EMMANUELLE, NIA RAMBEAU and now your precious little protege: CHELSEA CREED...was for the gold...is nothing but laughable to me. Winning the NEXT LEVEL CHAMPIONSHIP was nothing but a bonus to me. Just an extra token of gratitude in my blood-filled victories in the APEX WRESTLING RING.  I could give to fuckin' shits if I won the NEXT LEVEL CHAMPIONSHIP as long as I got to bury my butcher blade into the guts of my victims in front of the world of APEX. That's all I wanted to do bring a bloodbath to my new hunting ground that is APEX WRESTLING but now that I became NEXT LEVEL CHAMPIONSHIP...I don't think I'm going to let go of this new toy of mine. Not to anyone, Elizabeth...At Least not till I'm good and bored with it. And guess what, I'm not bored just yet." 

JUDITH smirks for a moment before looking out at the loud groups of people leaving the bar, the faint colorful lights flashing across the BUTCHER's face. "Those loud, mockable human beings remind me of you, Elizabeth. They are so drunk on life; they believe they have nothing to worry about. They are fully fearless. Strong willed and luckily, they have someone watching their backs through it all. With the lovely Alyssa Grace by your side, you claim to make me your example to the rest of the roster. You want to show the world that you are the Ace of APEX and be the one that makes me bleed Infront of the roster? That's cute, Elizabeth but I hate to break it to you, but the world does know I can bleed. When I won the NEXT LEVEL CHAMPIONSHIP, CHELSEA CREED stabbed me in the gut with my own weapon but guess what? That did not stop me from the carnage I brought to the company with my own two hands. So fuckin try to use me as your prime example but at the end of the night it will be you that will be the one as the example in this equation. That NO ONE CAN KILL THE FUCKIN BOOGEYMAN. No one. No, you, not no one. No matter how many times I am stabbed. Burned. Buried Alive. Twisted till broken. I will ALWAYS come back from the dead and stand taller than all of these fuckers. You honestly believe you can make me fall to the final Boss, but it will be you that will HAIL TO THE BUTCHER by the end of this match. Hell, you can even have Alyssa join this match and I'll be MORE THAN HAPPY to put both of the NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS down into the mat. See, I don't fear anything because I am the face of fear around these parts. No man or woman can stop me from my marathon of murder I want to have in the APEX RING. The only thing I feel for is for my Beloved Blade after this...she'll be needing a new Darling after I'm done with you."

"All in all, Elizabeth...this little bout we found ourselves in will be nothing but a normal act of brutality. I want...no... I need you to come at me with everything you claim you have in you. Bring it to me. Fight the BOOGEYMAN. Become the fuckin FINAL BOSS they all saw you as before you became washed up, forced to sit on the coattails of Grace. Please. I BEG OF YOU OH GREAT ACE...Bring it all to me and I will bring it back tenfold because I want blood in this ring. You's, mine. Anyone's. That's all I dream of when I enter that ring and I know by the end of this match...I'll beat the shit out of the FINAL BOSS and get what I truly want..."

"Your blood on my hands and your failure to show to the APEX roster. Down to the ACE...Hail to the BUTCHER." With that, JUDITH laughs weakling before shoving herself off the warm brick wall. The BUTCHER makes her way across the street to the lights of the bar. As the scene ends, echoes of faint screams can be heard out of the camera view.

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