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Arata Asakura

Arata Asakura

Posts : 9
Join date : 2022-03-26

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PostSubject: Broken Hearts.   Broken Hearts. I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 04, 2022 5:25 pm

Broken Hearts. GpYl7l7

Broken Hearts. Tumblr_pfyg6uqaFE1s0zdtdo2_1280

Event Horizon #2: Broken Hearts.

05.06.22 Chicago, Illinois

You can repeat some things a million times, but some people won't understand anyway. Most will not even try to open their minds to see things from a different perspective. They prefer to deceive themselves to live their beliefs, until the last day of their lives. Even if it's a shitty vision. Even if they are just simple fools, who have no idea what is really going on around them. Everyone stands up for what they believe in. Usually it is something commendable and noble. This is something that results with public admiration. After all, devoting yourself to something important to you is downright inspiring. Or at least it is so for a time being. Society will accept and support this way of life, as long as it does not disturb the standards they have imposed on itself. If someone protests against cutting down the tree under which he liked to sit, he will be called a hero. If someone beats a thief who tried to rob a little girl, people will hand him a medal. This process is based on a definition of good and bad, that they have agreed upon. But there is one issue here. Nobody sees that a tree is growing in the wrong place and its roots are blocking a road. Nobody cares if the young boy was stealing, because he hasn't eaten anything in a week. It is always the same perspective that does consistently divide the world into two parts. Good or bad. Righteous or not. However, there is nothing that is entirely bad or good. Everything has its pros and cons. And whether we see them depends on whether we choose an open mind, or a comfortable ignorance.

As for the deeds I have done for over a year. They were met only with the ignorance of privileged people. They didn't like the fact that I stood up against a system that put me in a lost position. They were outraged that I dared to take the first shot at the standards that always exalted them. Even if the measures I took were not especially humanitarian. I did not even regret it for a moment. So what do you expect from me? That I would apologize? That I would regret my sins? Fuck no! Even if I did a few bad things, they were done with good intentions. Even if I had committed crimes and left nothing but a bloodshed, I did it with a thought of a better future for my people. Just because you don't understand, it doesn't detract me from being right. This does not detract from the sacrifice that has been made to get people to notice, that favoritism and privilege are destroying society. All we wanted was to be appreciated, but you refused to give it to us. So you can only blame yourselves for every drop of blood that got spilled. But you ask, if we just want an equal treatment, why have I gone so far? To make you aware of how big the problem is. I wanted the world to understand how my people felt. It was supposed to be a lesson that would open people's eyes. However, it turned out as always. I was labeled as the villain.

But I don't know what you expect? That I will cry about this? Should I be sorry because I was chosen by the gods, Liz? I'm supposed to shoot myself in the head, because I got a divine power that gave me control over the industry? A power that only strengthened my natural abilities. This is something I should be happy about, not regret it. This is something that was given to me, because I am the best Japanese wrestler. Not to mention the large number of accolades I have, this is proof of my greatness. That is why I am not impressed by the empty words of some pseudo-champion. Lizzy, how many times are you going to tell me that I don't deserve shit? Especially, since you don't have a proper knowledge about the cases you talk about. Wanna tell me that I shouldn't challenge for the Grand Championship? Bitch, no one of these shots were handed to me. I won special matches to get my chance. You are going to bitch about me being in the title match at FD? Since you are looking for justice so much and who deserves what, you must have seen what happened. If Bishop hadn't sabotaged me, I would be going to Japan anyway, but with the title around my waist. I know you want to make me look like I am some undeserving cunt. But you have nothing to prove your point. No matter what you say, I will always have a logical explanation. Because unlike you, I don't have to use others to be in the spotlight. Me and Golden Dawn are not the same, as you and the Big Oasis Brand. While Scott secured you a chance after chance. I run my organization like a good tactician. Even if I am not getting my hands dirty too often, it's not because I can't do it myself. I don't do it because I don't have to. I don't have to do it, because I have loyal companions who believe in me and my vision, Liz. A vision that I work on every day. Therefore don't mind me staying quiet. I've been too busy working on increasing my legacy to have a little chat with you. Though, it seems to me, that I have offended your feelings in this way, by not giving you enough attention. Opssss, I did it again. However, you must remember one thing. Shit talk doesn't win matches, in-ring work does. And in that case you don't stand a chance with me.

Sometimes words can hurt more than daggers. They pierce your soul, leaving disgusting wounds in it, which heal very hard. Sometimes even for years, preventing you from moving forward. That kind of wound was for you the moment, when you had to leave the OWA Championship. What were you forced to do, because you couldn't stop yourself from verbal battles with management of Kingdom. Anyway, your problems with too long tongue also led to you being kicked out of Olympus. The thing is, you can only blame yourself for the fact, that the last time you held World Championship was three years ago, Finn. Therefore, stop acting as if the whole world owes you something. It's not like you deserve anything, because you've forgotten what the highest prize tastes like. You have the same rights to it as anyone who signs the contract. At least in theory, you don't deserve shit, until you prove that you are worthy of being a World Champion. And you kind of did it by beating Liz, but it's not good enough for me, Finn. The fact that you've gained a lucky win against Miss Karlson doesn't mean that you are in your best shape, which would be the best that the company has to offer. Even if you added a few fancy submissions to your arsenal. Even if you spend a few more hours in the gym. Compared to someone like me, it doesn't really matter. Do you remember our last match, Finn? You have one of the biggest movesets the industry has ever seen, and yet I had the answer to everything you've tried. I've been always one step ahead of you, Finnegan. Do you think you can surprise me with something? The only thing that has happened to you recently and I was surprised by this, was a little drama with Alyssa and Jason. Which was even fun up to a point. However, after a while it got sad. Do you know why? Because a man formerly known as the greatest wrestler of all time, now is known only as a Finnegan Cuckfield. That is kinda pathetic that you couldn't even defend yourself. You couldn't stand up for your own honor and fiancée. After a moment of replying to Jason you backed off. Would you defend the APEX World Championship with the same commitment? If so, I don't see a bright future for this company if you somehow get your dirty hands on it. Are you going to pull out Liz and blame the world that someone wants you to defend the championship? Well, I wouldn't be surprised. In the end, we all know that all you get are tantrums or crying on twitter, when someone says something bad about you.

Your life is driven by emotions to such a extent, that you don't understand some important things, Finn. I'm not ashamed of my race. I don't blame my blood for the lack of justice in life. For my people being mistreated, I blame ignorants like you. I despise fucking hypocrites, who think injustice only exists when it affects them. I hate those who are delusional about their position in the world. Do you really think you're so relevant to my life, Finn? Do you really think you're someone who makes me unable to sleep at night? Perhaps you are a thorn in my side. Perhaps you are a terribly irritating pain in my ass. However, you are much easier to eliminate than you think. When Graham Baker decided he didn't need you, he fired you. When you came to Kingdom with your cute story of home coming hero, I quickly murdered your fighting spirit. It didn't take you long to pack your bags and leave the golden brand. I don't know if it's a matter of getting old, or if the competition has gotten so tough, but your time is over, Finn. That is why, I would not have such high hopes for this championship if i were you. Because at Event Horizon you will not only be disappointed, but your heart will be broken again.

I am well aware that no one wants to see me as your new APEX World Champion. The only problem is...who is at the top is neither a choice of Liz, nor of Finn, nor of the fans. This spot is taken by someone who is just the best and without a doubt, it is Arata Asakura.

I waited long enough to take my rightful place on the throne of this company, until finally my patience was over. No more watching everyone being handed their shots the moment they enter APEX. Once I become the new champ, I will eliminate this corrupted approach and APEX will be finally on its way to a better future.

At Event Horizon, I will start the new era, as your APEX World Champion.

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