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CHAPTER 3: HEARTLESS HUMAN HARVEST [EVENT HORIZON] I_icon_minitimeby MinaAizawa Thu Oct 13, 2022 3:46 am

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CHAPTER 3: HEARTLESS HUMAN HARVEST [EVENT HORIZON] I_icon_minitimeby Chelsea Creed Sat Sep 10, 2022 7:54 am


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Join date : 2022-05-04
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CHAPTER 3: HEARTLESS HUMAN HARVEST [EVENT HORIZON] 5bd9ba3058a6a269cd48f50999015e93039c2d20
Moonlight filtered through the grime-streaked window, giving the old dust filled room a soft blue-white glow. Blotches of mold covered the floral wallpaper in this old bedroom to the point where the flowers were almost unrecognizable...it was almost unbearably sad in a way. With a deep huff, the Shape moved into the old bedroom; eyes scanning the area slowly before her attention was once more drawn to the grimy window. Unlike the other windows in the old, ruined house that was once called home, this one window hadn't been boarded up. Or was it? The Shape looked down towards the broken boards near the window before roughly kicking the pieces of broken wood away. ‘Rotten brats’, she mumbled as she inched closer to the window as if she was compelled by an unknown force. Finally reaching her destination; The Shape gazed out the window, trying to look out through the streaks of grim and smears that found its way to the window over the years. Her bright blue eyes soon go dull as the only thing she could see in the old widow was the Eyes of The Boogeyman herself. 
“Just like this house, my past is too grimy and smeared to be seen. Broken. Just a shell of what it was before the Hand of Thorn graced my flesh and made me into the monster, I am today...but that is a story for a different night, I suppose." JUDITH shakes her head as she keeps her back turned, only looking back at the camera from the reflection of the smeared glass. "No, tonight is about my future. Tonight, is about me making my presence known in the world of APEX WRESTLING. Many people witnessed the destruction on the plastic cunt herself, Bea Havertz; nearly two weeks ago but still...STILL, these two half-witted women who I am forced to dismember in NINE DAYS STILL only believe I am here to only cause fear to my opponent's head.... but that's not the case at all, dears. See, I'm here to bring pain to the APEX roster and pleasure for myself every time I strike someone down with my bare hands. And you two? You two are the next in the line of many who will be falling by my hands while I am stalking my way through this company every single week." A weak smile can be seen in the reflection, "Last Sunday night, you both found out the hard way that I am not someone to underestimate. I'm not someone who will walk into a ring, plead a case on why I will destroy you both at EVENT HORIZON and continue to talk about how my stick is bigger than yours. No. Instead of acting like a goddamn fool Infront of millions of people, I showed you both that I am here to get shit done and leave carnage in this ring whenever I arrive....and that's exactly what I plan on doing very very soon."
Slowly, JUDITH turns away from the window to rest her back against it instead; her blue eyes finally meeting the actual lens of the camera as her smile widens. "So, with that, I'll set my eyes on you first, Nia Rambeau...since you are the one that got past my grasp in our little meetings of the minds Sunday." The Shape chuckled, "When you spoke last Sunday, I couldn't help but laugh to myself backstage. You spoke such a big game against our Next Level Champion, telling her how much she is slacking as a champion which I agree for the most part. A Champion should fight each week to show the company they are in that they have what it takes to hold the championship gold, but have you shown APEX that you are willing to go the same? I have been here for only three weeks, and I have always shown APEX that I have what it takes to go for the Next Level Championship. Showed up to each and every show, took out roster mates each time I showed my face to the camera WITH or WITHOUT a match. I'm here to fight hard, make others bleed and be the top THREAT APEX WRESTLING has to offer the world. I don't need a Wrestling Ring to prove I mean what I say but from what I have seen from the shadow; you do? From the moment you opened your mouth, I knew you were all talk and no action. Sure, you won your debut match and the Contender ship match for EVENT HORIZON but from what I saw Sunday, you ooze the confidence you did when the bell rang out for those matches. You spoke soft and tucked your tail between your tall legs after you attempted to get a few shots on me and noticed you did nothing to me. You slipped away from the ring and booked it, Nia...And you call yourself the EYE OF THE STORM. From where I stand, you are nothing but a Small Drizzle of Rain. Nothing more. Nothing less and that won't change until you untuck your tail and fight me like you fuckin mean it. At our Triple Threat Match, you need to show up, shut up and swing for the hills when it comes to facing off against me...and trust me, it's going to take more than a few little hits you called a right hook that will take me off my feet." A small snort leaves JUDITH, "Or maybe I'll be generous for once in my life and let you take a free swing at me before I rip your limbs off of your slim body and beat you with them. I'll see how I truly feel about NINE DAYS when we walk into hell together...but it's not just going to be us, no... we also have the Dead Champion Walking that is EMMANUELLE."

The Shape eyes the camera for a moment before her smile changes into a devilish smirk. "Emmanuelle, first off I do want to say I do respect you in some way. I respect the fact that you, unlike Nia, are willing to fight against BOOGEYMAN when I stand up to you in the middle of the APEX Ring. You did not run like a coward. Nor hide behind a Manager. You stood up and fought against me but in the end... you failed like everyone else in your predicament has. You crumbled once you hit the canvas and couldn't fight any longer. Honestly, you must look back on that event and think: was that a foreshadowing of the near future for you when we meet once again in the APEX Ring? Perhaps so. Or... Or you could overpower me and reclaim your Next Level Championship...but let's be realistic here, the only way you will be getting out of this match live and in championship intact is by defeating and pinning Nia Rambeau because you don't have the power to take on the Butcher, Emmanuelle and deep down in that poor, unfortunate soul of yours.... You know I'm right." JUDITH shakes her head as her arms cross over her chest. "Now that I think about it more, I finally see why you didn't want me to defeat the pampered blonde bimbo to get myself into this Next Level Championship match against you. You wanted an easy win, Emmanuelle. You wanted to walk into EVENT HORIZON with a cocky grin on your face, win the match and leave without breaking a sweat, right? Well, I hate to fuckin break it to you but your chances of reclaiming your precious little championship on June 5th has just shot down tremendously...but that's what you get for praying for the easy way out of a fight. It blows up in your face and at the end of it all, you'll be asking yourself what all went wrong when I am standing tall among the rubble and carnage. This isn't a fight you have been in before and trust me, I heard you out there. You have been through so much, haven't you? Your excursions, your worldwide travels you have over the years; it’s hardened you and made you tougher than ever. You have done it all and so much more and YES, you deserve the label of Top Wrestler but EMMANUELLE, I could honestly give two fuckin shits about what you have done. You changed and not for the better. You now live this up-town lifestyle, barely lifting a finger to fight anymore. You said it yourself to the APEX crowd that it has been a while since you have seen them and for a fighting Next Level Champion you CLAIM to be; now that's pretty pathetic of you, isn't it?  You are a hypocrite. A lying brat that let the gold go straight to your thick head but now? Oh, now that I have you where I want you; I'm going to rip the label NEXT LEVEL CHAMPION from you and replace it with a new one: MY VICTIM." A dark chuckle leaves the pale lips of JUDITH. "Frankly, in my eyes; that's what you always were. A Victim. Just a blind prey, lying in wait for a predator like myself to come along and sink their teeth into your flesh. Helpless you are not, I know this from the way you whole yourself up inside the APEX Ring but you still are my pray.... And I'm ready to strike at any fuckin moment....but the real question on my mind is: Are you ready for all of this, Emmanuelle? Are you ready to meet the Butcher? Are you ready to feel the strength of my blade when it slices through your muscles and flesh with every chop? This is not just a triple threat match for the NEXT LEVEL CHAMPIONSHIP for me, Emmanuelle.. Frankly, for me; this is my new domain. My Battlefield....and next time you meet me face to face, I will be stalking into my new Hunting Ground; staring you down as you are the new obsession." A hum leaves The Shape's lip. "So welcome it. Embrace it because soon it will be too late for you and your precious Championship reign for you to have a say in what happens next. And that's a fuckin fact."
"In the end, that's all you are to me. Prey. Victims. You both are only those two things to me once that bell rings and the match starts. That's it. Now I don't give a damn if you both don't think I'm scary, believe I'm saying all this to be intimidating or just don't believe in the BOOGEYMAN. It doesn't matter to me what you two think, say or do because it doesn't change the fact that I am here to hunt and bring the bloodshed to APEX WRESTLING and that's what I plan on doing. This NEXT LEVEL CHAMPIONSHIP is merely just a consolation prize for all the blood I spill. So, at EVENT HORIZON, Your lives are in my hands and I promise you both that I will not stop until the breath leaves your lungs and the light full from your eyes. I will haunt, stalk and murder everyone who gets in my way and this time? It's you two. So Now, Emmanuelle I hope you both prepared for the worst time you two will have in a wrestling ring yet. It's not a threat either. See, I'm not one to threaten, I'm one to actually go make things happen. Remember what I said about this old house, how it's filled with grime and smeared with dust. Just a shell of what it used to be. Well just like this home, once my bare hands are pressed against each one of your necks; you will be nothing more than a hollow shell. Broken. Empty. And most importantly, Emmanuelle; championship-less." Slowly, JUDITH smirks one last time at the camera before pulling her hood up over her slick dirty blonde hair. The Shape stands there for a moment longer before stalking out of view and out of the musty old bedroom. The scene ends just like it began, in an old dust filled room a soft blue-white glow.

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