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 Purification - APEX Promo I

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Jacob Senn

Jacob Senn

Posts : 8
Join date : 2022-03-14

Purification - APEX Promo I Empty
PostSubject: Purification - APEX Promo I   Purification - APEX Promo I I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 03, 2022 7:48 pm

As a crown has been snatched from the brow of a monarch, removed from the path of sitting upon the throne of prestige, the tributes to be placed at my feet persist in this Sovereign Cup tournament with the arrival of a newfound face that has never experienced the higher power I currently stand as today. The folly of man to believe themselves to be able to stand in the path of destruction I walk upon to bring this industry to its knees in dread of what they bear witness to, this ignorance will only serve as a temporary shield to protect themselves. A safeguard to keep their ego and vanity shielded from the truth until they are met by me, an avatar of darkness who will possess no mercy or charity towards their indiscretion, only a demise for those sycophants in attendance to turn their eyes from. Carnage and annihilation born out of hatred for men such as the one that stands before me in this tournament. They are children who have walked a road I paved for them, attempt to build a house on the foundation I created with my own two hands, and sit upon a throne I created for those who stand at the zenith of this industry. These children spit in the face of what I have done and disrespect my name at every single turn that they can because they will not allow themselves to see the truth behind The Almighty Pariah. They would rather deny me and hide behind ignorance, find themselves to be mightier than I because age has made me decrepit or weak, but this choice will prove to be the first note in the symphony of destruction I will create.

The man who stands against me now in this tournament simply goes by one letter: C. Everyone speaks about his talent, everyone notes the potential that he has for this business, but the thoughts I have when I was presented with this tribute before me? Another child who fails to respect the foundation created for him. Instead of being an advocate of the man who created this universe you take riches and fame from, you would rather have me denied for the respect I earned and the titles I deserve. Instead of allowing yourself to bask in the glory of a world champion this entire world could be proud of, you have joined with the sycophants of the world to refute the truth that I speak and take my glory to bestow upon another. You would rather make me out to be some retired old fool who should spend the rest of his natural life in the abyss of obscurity, watch me wither away until I am nothing, as you take what belongs to me and me alone. You want to spark a revolution that many have taken upon themselves to try and fight before you. You want to bring the age I brought to this world to ruin and build your own towers and statues to signify the glory of you, your wrestling career, and everything that is to follow. You want to create your legacy by destroying mine, all in the name of purification, but I will not allow that to happen, C. Oh no, the mission you hold for yourself will be simply… frivolous and in vain.

The only purification this industry needs is one where the disease of vanity is purged from within it. These children who have stepped foot into my domain and believe themselves to be higher than me, who want to usurp me from my throne and take this crown of mine to place upon their brow, they are the ones who find themselves proud enough to teach a man such as I a lesson about succession. The men who I stood alongside with on my path to rising to the zenith I have, even those who have waged war against me in some capacity inside of that squared circle from half a decade ago, these people are able to show some form of reverence to a degree. People like you? These scions of the modern era who believe themselves to be prodigies, who find themselves to be deserving of a crown that rightfully belongs to me since the very first step they took in my domain, they do not show the same reverence to me. You and your kin, C, are so proud of yourselves and believe you will create your legacy by attempting to make me into your stepping stone on that path. However, I will be the one to show you what humility is. Did you think your defeat against Diantha was a humbling experience? Did you find yourself even the tiniest bit disheartened from the bitter pill of loss you were forced to swallow? Trust in knowing that the moment you stand across the ring from me, when you are forced to gaze upon the face of the man who sold his very soul to become an avatar of darkness and destruction to deliver his wrath upon this industry, the aura of dread will press itself upon you to deliver a humbling realization to you. You are not ready for me. You are only another proud child that has decided to take upon the challenge like Jimmy Jihad or Hiroto Kamiya in hopes of establishing your legacy through conquering me. Another scion who will be forced to be destroyed by my hands and buried underneath my boot. Once you have experienced an ego death in this battle we are set to have between us, humbled by the folly of your vanity, you will find the purification of children like you are today is a worthy cause.

This industry has been rampant with the disease of vanity corrupting every aspect of it for years. Addicts such as yourself who love to get high on their own supply of the all-natural opiate of life want to continue to allow yourself to be corrupted to the point where you cannot not see what is in front of you. Ignorance from vanity shooting up your veins is easier to accept than the harsh reality you would rather be forced to accept. Winning this match will be the least of your concern because survival will be the only thing you should have in your mind. You should hope and pray that your body remains intact when the punishment I inflict upon you for your arrogance has been delivered. You should wish that you will continue to have all of your faculties still about you after you have been made to endure the destruction I will put your through in this match. For when a man determined to usher in an age of calamity unrivaled by any other time or person who has walked in this industry meets you inside of the squared circle for the very first time, you should aspire to walk out with that. A victory here will be a mere fantasy for you because you are so stained by the ego you have of purifying this business from those who have established the foundation you take for granted so easily, you don’t know when you have reached the point where your vanity has outweighed your talent. I have taken you into my view to weigh you against those that have come before you, measured you on the scale of prominence for those who have been a part of this industry, and you have been found wanting to where you shall be made to endure your own personal purification through the searing flames of suffering manifested by me. You are a pauper who has created this delusion within his mind for this right to the throne and become known as king, but I am the one who bears the crown. I am the king who finds himself not only looking down upon you with your head on the guillotine to await their demise, but a man who happily gains the pleasure in serving as executioner to remove your head from your shoulders for the audacity to take something you do not deserve. As I said before, this tournament is a mere formality and to be arrogant or naive enough to fool yourself into believing you stand a chance of knocking me out of this tournament to let your mission of purification be realized, you simply show the world the addict you are. Many have claimed to share your same desire, many have attempted to remove me from this industry I built with my bare hands, but none have been able to succeed in their own personal revolutions. I am the unyielding cornerstone and the ceaseless pillar of prestige of this industry who has withstood the test of time. My legacy will not be erased and your quest of purification will fail by my hand, C.

You will become tribute to The Goetial King through my purification and truly recognize me as immortal.

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