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Proper Introduction - Promo #1 for Inception Empty
PostSubject: Proper Introduction - Promo #1 for Inception   Proper Introduction - Promo #1 for Inception I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 21, 2022 7:45 pm

You never forget your first time.

That’s what they say, right? I’m sure you’ve been up and down this road before, Senn. Getting on the ground floor of something major, some brand new fucking movement, some massive shift in the way the world works. This is the first, for me. I’ve never hopped on the elevator when it’s been at ground, never been sought out to get pulled into a new promotion, to make magic happen, but here we stand now. APEX came to both of us, asked us to join up, now asked us to fight, and put a little bit of our own personal legacy on the line between us.

The chance to become the first APEX World Heavyweight Champion.

What a fucking rush.

Now I’m not gonna stand here and act like I’m not star-struck by having a chance to stand across the ring from a guy who has made his legacy in companies that I’ve only recently started to become known in. I’m not gonna act like your reputation doesn’t precede you, like the ass you’ve kicked across WrestleWorld, across SSW, across OWA doesn’t generate a hell of a path I’d need to walk to get to your level. I respect you, Jacob Senn, no matter how many times you make your roost in nests that work in interests opposite to mine, no matter how many times you run afoul of men like Graham Baker, who brought me into this business, or Arata Asakura, who I consider a mentor in and of himself. You, Senn, are prestige talent, a pedigree far above my own, someone I can aspire to be.

Or, really, aspire to beat.

You’ve been in the game a lot longer than I have, and I’m not gonna start expecting you to wind down just because of that. You’ve constantly reinvented yourself, making sure you stand out from the one-note-War-Queens and effervescent Infernal Baptists of the wrestling landscape. If adaptation is the name of the game, you’ve kept yourself at the top of the scoreboard for a long, long fucking time. I don’t anticipate that you want to let yourself slip against someone like me, either. You want to keep that streak going. You want to make your legacy alongside the names of these newly sprouted places. APEX could be Senn’s territory, if he can only wrap his hands around the fucking gold. APEX can be a continuation of your legacy, a nice resting place, so when you finally call it fucking quits, you can lay easy knowing that this place carries your own mission forward.

For me, it ain’t so simple.

When I got the call from APEX to come out, to fight you, to potentially become the first WHC, I jumped at the fucking bit. Like I said, ground floor-and this is my first. This is the first chance I’ve had to set down the building blocks of an entire organization, not just a division. It’s no secret that i’ve been broadening my horizons the last few months, taking every single opponent set before me to war, trying to show the world that I am more than my mentor’s keeper. For the most part, I’d like to think that I’ve succeeded, that I’ve kept my reputation advancing, that people before this who didn’t know or respect me will have a bit of knowledge and a great deal of respect for the kind of warrior that I am. I’d like to think that you understand that, Senn, considering how you’ve done what you’ve done to get where you are, despite all the faults and follies, you are still on top of your fucking game when you’ve been in it for so fucking long, you can still be slotted into each and every world championship match that comes before you, you can still be relied upon to get things done when they need to get done.

You’re a workhorse, an iron man, you’re everything that everyone in this industry could be so influenced on, so inspired by, and you’re that to me, too. You’re a guy I could look to in my darkest times and say, ‘Damn, I could be just like you.’ You’re a guy who made the entire world your oyster, who took what he wanted whenever he wanted it, refusing to play dirty and instead playing like a god damned king everywhere you went. You leaned into your talent, Senn. You didn’t take shortcuts, you challenged the best, you beat the best, you became legend on your own fucking accord.

I wanna be just like you, man. When I’ve hung my boots up in a few decades and called it a career, I want to look back on all of this with the same pride that I’m sure you do. I want to look back on the wrestling landscape as it is and know that I’ve had a great deal of influence in making it exactly what it is. I want to look back and see my name in the same regard as yours-not with the Graham Bakers of the world who couldn’t scratch wins without fucking asterisks, not with the Cloud Matsudas of the world who took advantages as they came, I want to be self made. I want to be a self-made Goddess. I want my fucking legacy to stand on its own, no matter the physical cost to me now, no matter how much it hurts to get there, I want to fucking BE THERE!

And there’s an easy way there for me, Senn. A quick little Yellow Brick Road to follow to Godhood.

It goes right through you.

This moment ahead of us is a proving ground for both of us, honestly. You want to show that you still got it and that the young buck won’t knock you off with a two piece to the head, I respect it and I’m coming ready. I have to show that I can go with the best of them, and you, being who you are, make another pretty fancy name to put on my ledger for the past few months. You’re just the sort of gift I need to make this year, truly, the Year of Liz Karlson. Securing a win over you would mean more than just a win, it would cement me as the Ace of this Place, it would grant me a kind little World Championship around my waist, it would give me that little boost I needed to reach the fucking precipice of the rest of my goddamned career.

It would make me legend.

…Well, maybe not that far, but you get the gist. Gotta shoot for the stars to land in the sky, or however that saying goes, because that’s exactly how I’ve fucking looked at this every single day of my fucking life. I’ve always aimed to overshoot my goals and been surprised when I’ve landed, I’ve always exerted myself to the greatest level, I came out of my fucking mother fighting and I’m ready to fight each and every single day of my fucking life until I’ve hit the mountaintop, found nowhere else to go, and gone all the way back down to the fucking bottom.

You’ve hit the place, Senn, where you don’t need to try anymore. You don’t need to fight anymore. You could coast off your reputation, but you choose not to, you choose to keep finding new lands to conquer, to keep going to war day after fucking day until there is NOTHING left for you to take, and I respect the hell out of that for you, man. I respect that you haven’t decided to rest on your laurels, I respect a man who remains hungry, even if it’s put you opposite me. I respect that, because you’ve taken the chance not to give back, but to let me step up, to tilt your fucking head toward me and let me take a swing knowing that I might miss, or I might hit. That you might still be standing at the end of it, or you may wake up hours fucking later with no belt in your hand, no quick way to the top, just the half-chub of a power trip that never really fucking started.

You want the gold, Senn? You want to keep that legacy going, Senn? You want to keep that belly full, Senn?

Come fucking get it.

At Inception, it’s just you and me out there, surrounded by the crowd and whoever the fuck else comes out to watch, and I’m going to WAR to put you in the fucking dirt. I promise you on my fucking grave that this might be important to you, but it’s nothing like the importance this has to me. You get these matches handed to you like candy, and I have to fight for every single goddamn one. Even when I get there, the doubters come out in stride.

After Inception, there will be no more doubting.

When I’ve chopped you to fucking pieces and I stand over your body with the APEX belt in my fucking hand, you will know exactly who you’ve fucked with crossing me, you will know exactly how much this championship and everything associated with it will EVER mean to me, and you will know EXACTLY why they call me the goddamned Brick Shithouse. I am not giving up. I am not going down easy. This might be the first you’ve heard from me, a proper introduction of sorts, but I assure you it will not be the fucking last, because the marks I leave on you from this war we have coming will be permanent the conflict we get into will be exceptionally violent, and at the end of the god damned night, Jacob, you will be unconscious, you will be beaten, you will be defeated, and I…I will be champion.

I will reach that fucking God Status.

I will become the Ace of APEX, or I will god damned near die trying.

You stand in my way, and I respect you for that. I know you’ve got the hunger, I know you’ve got the drive and the power, but this belt is fucking mine, and I will do WHATEVER IT TAKES to get my hands on it. I’d kill a hundred legends to keep this closeness, this opportunity, this chance of a lifetime. I would’ve fought anyone from any hall of fame around the world, and I’ve been blessed to not have to do that. I’ve just got one last hurdle to cross, one last line to jump over.

One redneck to ice dead.

See you Sunday.”

Matt Miles, VAEVICTIS, Alyssa Grace and Chelsea Creed like this post

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