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 Blazing Ace American Journal Entry Two: Establishment

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Blazing Ace

Blazing Ace

Posts : 6
Join date : 2022-03-05
Age : 28

Blazing Ace American Journal Entry Two: Establishment Empty
PostSubject: Blazing Ace American Journal Entry Two: Establishment   Blazing Ace American Journal Entry Two: Establishment I_icon_minitimeSat Apr 09, 2022 10:53 pm

Blazing Ace American Journal Entry Two: Establishment

Blazing Ace American Journal Entry Two: Establishment 1f525 Our camera opens up with a fan Q and A event the day of APEX Television. This is being filmed at about 5 PM Eastern Standard Time. We can see fans standing around the outskirts of the Royal Farms Arena in Baltimore, Maryland. It’s a jam packed day for Pro Wrestling as the camera zooms in to one of the panels. “Good-Bye Atman” by Masanori Mine sounds off as fans begin to cheer. The Blazing Ace, Hiroto Kamiya walks out dressed in a full Suit attire, waving and smiling to the Baltimore fans. He takes his seat at the table and is handed a microphone. Blazing Ace American Journal Entry Two: Establishment 1f525

Thank you, thank you. What a rush it’s been the past few weeks to compete here in APEX Wrestling. First of all, I’d like to thank all of you, the American Pro Wrestling fans, for being so welcoming and accepting of me here in your country! The past few weeks truly have been a blast both in a professional and personal sense for me. And what a humbling experience it has been as well. And the best part about all of it…well it’s that this is simply the beginning of the fun! Now I know not to take this lightly, I’ve learned that lesson time and time again in my days as a Wrestler. Many men have tried to take advantage of my easygoing nature by preying upon me at times they deem me weak for my sometimes laid back nature. Well I was born at night, but not last night! That’s how the expression goes right, hahaha. The point is I already know I’ve begun to make enemies here in APEX. Competition breeds more competition. I relish the challenge. However I also know that hate only breeds further hate. And while our job is to create entertaining content to draw you all in to engage…I’m not the kind of man who wishes to harbor ill will towards anyone else for no good reason in my head. However that being said…I’m also not the type to sit back and let others try to push me around. Of course I am referring to Jacob Senn and Arata Asakura when I say that. Now I have no idea what this whole thing between the two of them is about…or if there even will be anything to it. Regardless I’m not backing down from any fight either one of them wishes to pick with me. I’m a fighter before anything else and retreat is not a word in my vocabulary! However I should compose myself before I get too heated. It would be best to save up my energy for my actual matchup, isn’t that right folks.

Blazing Ace American Journal Entry Two: Establishment 1f525 Hiroto puts down the microphone for a moment to run his hands through his hair and pick up a bottle of water. Taking several deep sips from it before placing it back onto the table. He lifts the microphone back up towards his face and looks back up to the crowd and sighs. Blazing Ace American Journal Entry Two: Establishment 1f525

Yes ladies and gents that is correct, I need to focus my attention more so on my competition for tonight. Arturo Cabello. From my understanding, quite the accomplished wrestler in the Lucha Libre world of Wrestling in the country of Mexico. There’s a country that respects the art of Professional Wrestling and embraces it as an integral part of its culture even more so than my native Japan. It’s something quite admirable. It’s incredibly serious. Treated with the highest of honors. I’m sure a brash young man like Arturo is born to be a great of the sport. I can only presume it’s within his blood somewhere along the way…even if not directly. I don’t know for sure because I don’t know him personally. But I’m going to get well acquainted with him tonight, that is for sure. Now funny enough, I see that he has blamed me for his defeat at the hands of Finnegan Wakefield last week on APEX. First of all…Finnegan Wakefield is a world class athlete with a wide array of respectable accomplishments accumulated over the course of his time as a Wrestler. He’s one of the all time greats internationally and a man of great honor and ability. There is zero shame in being defeated by a man of that caliber. So to sit there and make excuses itself is…well…inexcusable. I don’t mean to make the pun, because I am quite serious in that statement. And by creating such an excuse like that Arturo, what you’re doing is disrespecting the value of Finnegan Wakefield as a true competitor. And inadvertently you are just insulting yourself in the end by besmirching the name of the man who was able to put you away last week. Perhaps you should consider that before insulting those who have beaten you. And I also see you’re already prepping what your possible excuses would be for falling to me should I defeat you tonight Arturo. That little bit about a limp and bruises. Let’s just cut that right out before you go any further. There are no excuses on either side. Your Lucha Libre versus my Royal Puroresu. One of them will come out on top inside of that ring. If you win, I’ll give you full credit that you were indeed the better man. Give you a nod of approval and even offer to shake your hand. But if I win…I expect the exact same courtesy in return. That’s only right in this rich sport that we both cherish so much. Although the choice in the end is yours to make. I’m here to stake my claim on the world stage and raise the stock of my native federation Grand Japan to the highest level possible. Failure is not an option! I will understandably face setbacks like everyone else, but my story isn’t about whether I fail or not…it’s how I’m going to get back up and dust myself off afterwards and try again even harder! That is the Blazing Ace, Hiroto Kamiya. A man who desires to inspire everyone else around him to chase their dreams just as he did! And as far as setbacks are concerned Arturo? I plan on clipping your wings, plucking out every single feather, and being YOUR setback tonight! With that, I do hope all of you fine fans enjoy the show tonight. Thank you all for your time and patience! Goodbye for now!

Blazing Ace American Journal Entry Two: Establishment 1f525 Hiroto Kamiya places the microphone onto the table and stands up, loosening the tie on his suit before waving to the fans and leaving the Q and A area to head into the arena for the show later tonight. The camera fades out to black with that. Blazing Ace American Journal Entry Two: Establishment 1f525

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