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"Black, White, Grey and Gold." Empty
PostSubject: "Black, White, Grey and Gold."   "Black, White, Grey and Gold." I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 11, 2022 11:31 pm

"It's been some time, hasn't it?"

A familiar voice can be heard as the scene comes to life. A dimly-lit room comes into view. Seated by a table adorned with flowers and a lit candle in the middle is C, donning a simple suit. A subtle smile graces his features as his eyes greet the viewer.

"Almost three weeks, if I am not to be mistaken. For some, it may not seem like such a long passage, but as a wrestler, it can feel like eons. As the weeks rolled on by, I've been carefully ruminating upon many things, especially in lieu of my defeat at the hands of Diantha Rosso. See, everything about my encounter with her brought out a lot of... perspectives that I haven't really considered. Be it from the physical aspects to even my mission here, I had a lot of time to sit, ponder and re-examine everything. Diantha showed me that things aren't always black and white, even within the confines of professional wrestling. What I saw as a woman needlessly attacking another was someone that had a lot of anger and unresolved conflict that needed to be sorted out. There was a history that led her to act the way that she did prior to Event Horizon. And while we can argue tirelessly about the extremes of her actions and whether or not there could've been another way for her to confront Azumi, I came to understand where she was coming from. It was all a form of retaliation; a ferocious form of such, yes, but when I listened to her and came to fully conceptualize her perspective, I couldn't help but sympathize with her."

"I know. I had my finger pointing at her, chastizing everything she did, but I was wrong. With that realization, I came to rethink my own philosophies. I simply saw everything in black and white. I hadn't realized that there were shades of grey that could be seen as well up until that moment. Wrestling, as a whole, is a far more complicated beast that stretches beyond people being strictly bad or good. Sometimes, the most well-adjusted competitor can have their moment where they just snap or the conniving, treacherous villain gains a moment of clarity and realizes the errors of their ways. Everyone, be it here in APEX or everywhere else, have their own reasons for why they chose the path that they did. They are simply a product of circumstances, and at times, it can be unwillingly. Or, it can be absolutely necessary. I understand now. At least, I think I do, anyhow. Still, while it has made me change some things, I can't turn back now. There are still so many wrongs that need to be righted; so many wrestlers that have sunken too deep that need to be pulled back up to the surface before they lose themselves entirely. My mission, my purpose, and my presence are all still very much needed. I just have to be a little more careful from now on. But hey, no need to hear me ramble on so drearily about my own faults, hm?"

A chuckle escaped his lips.

"After all, this forthcoming APEX presents itself with another ripe opportunity for me: The Sovereign Cup. There is a lot at stake when participating in a tournament of this magnitude. Will this be the start for a future star to beam radiantly? Will this be another note for a seasoned veteran to take and add to their long list of accomplishments? I can't help but be excited about the prospect of everything. Of course, as a participant in the Sovereign Cup, I have the chance to make my biggest impact yet. My performances have done a lot to impress, whether I've emerged victorious or have suffered defeat. I give it my all with each match that I have, but now I have to make everything count. There is no better time for me to make sure my efforts do not go to waste than here in this very tournament."

"And of course, I cannot be the only person that thinks this way. Am I correct to assume that, Harvey?"

"You're quite an interesting individual, I must say. You're a new star here in APEX, but you're not new to the world of wrestling entirely. You don't necessarily prioritize being a true, honorable combatant, but you do have certain lines you won't ever dare to cross. You proclaim yourself to be a king, but are not pompous enough to completely ignore your own mishaps. You're still very much grounded, and as such, it isn't easy to place you into one distinguishable category. There are many facets to you, Harvey. Like Diantha, you are far more complicated than someone may initially take you for."

"I guess it is refreshing that you're not an arrogant, haughty fool. Just a bit overconfident? Maybe. However, confidence is everything in this sport, and it's led you to not only being undefeated thus far but also in the main event picture. You've beaten two legends. You already know what it's like to be close to the top. Your words have served to back you up rather than drag you down. In the few matches you've had, you've already shown that you have everything it takes to be a key player here. And this is not me kissing your ass for the sake of it. It is the blunt truth. As such, I also must be blunt when I say that I am rather... desperate to win here."

A sigh. Deep, long, and a bit shaky.

"I know. A wrestler should never dare to admit such a thing so candidly. Perhaps you'll laugh or even feel yourself getting big-headed from that realization. However, Harvey, through everything you've done in such a short amount of time, you're the favorite here. You're the one everyone expects to win. Me? I'm nothing compared to the likes of a Chris or an Aren. Those two men combined probably have more titles won than the entire roster here, yet you've held your own against them. Meanwhile, I've already fallen to the hands of a great. Even if people may see my potential, no amount of awe-inspiring showmanship of determination, and will can get me far if I am unable to beat my opponents. This movement of mine will come to a complete halt, and it would be unfortunate if I were to lose to you. At this rate, there is more for me to lose here. I just cannot allow for that to happen."

"I'm desperate, and perhaps even a little insecure, but I can only be honest. These nerves that I'm feeling are real because I care a lot, Harvey. I need to beat you. I absolutely have to lay you out in the center of that ring and use you as an exclamation point for the message I wish to send out to everyone here. The King will have to be taken out, and I understand that you'll find it all stupid; that this won't be some easy feat for me to achieve. I'm well aware of everything you are capable of, Harvey. Because like me, you're a man filled with pride that will do whatever he can to see to it that his own goals will be achieved. You have your own motivations for reaching the pinnacle of APEX whereas I have mine. However, change is needed. My goals are not self-serving or selfish. It is for the betterment of everyone and I-I..."

Realizing he's fumbling over himself, C stops. Another moment of silence passes by. He closes his eyes and gently runs a hand through his hair. When he collects himself, his gaze falls upon the camera once more. A more serious look colors his face.

"... I must do right by everyone. For the fans, for the wrestlers, and for this entire sport. The Sovereign Cup will prove to everyone without a shadow of a doubt that my mission is not a frivolous concept to be taken lightly. This is easily the most important match of my career, and I cannot falter. I refuse. I must press on and see to it that I accomplish everything here. It just so happens that you're the one that's standing in my way, Harvey. You can fight back, sure. I wholly expect you to. You just won't ascend to the upper echelon of Apex at my expense. I want this more. I need this more. And I will come at you with everything that I have to offer to make sure that I beat you come Sunday night, Harvey Kennedy. The King of the North will be taken off of his golden throne to make way for a revolution."

C leans back into his chair. The camera pans over to focus on the flickering flame of the candle as the scene gradually fades to black.

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