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Alyssa Grace

Alyssa Grace

Posts : 24
Join date : 2022-03-03
Age : 24

PostSubject: ALYSSA GRACE. ♡    ALYSSA GRACE. ♡  I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 04, 2022 12:37 pm


Birth Name: Alyssa Jane O'Bryant.
Wrestling Name: Alyssa Grace.
Picture Base: Gigi Dolin.
Present Aliases: The one, the fucking only. The Peak. 
Billed Height: Five feet, seven inches. (170cm)
Billed Weight: One hundred and thirty pounds. (58kg)
Date Of Birth: 26th March, 1997. (25 years old)
Hometown: County Wicklow, Ireland.
Current Residence: California, USA.
Relationship Status: Single.

Disposition: Chaotic neutral. Alyssa is someone who acts on her whims, she's a person who's grown bored of this world that she's oversimplified in her head and has only succinctly understood. She is far from infallible with her many faults, but her psyche does mean that she's mostly unbeatable. After all, how does one go about beating someone who thrives on losing, that has been rendered to a state where she almost lusts for the thrill of feeling helpless and lost if only because it fuels her drive to live on and try again, to better herself and gain more? Her power is that she's not afraid to go too far and similarly, she's also not afraid to lose. Outwardly, Alyssa is unassuming. She is similar to a sheathed dagger in many ways – crafted to kill, whilst still left ordained with pretty jewels and lustrous gems. When you look at her you see only the beautiful dream she masquerades as, similar to how you only see the beauty of the sheathed dagger. Never, do you see past the dream and glimpse the horrific nightmare that she truly is; this murderous weapon of a girl. This girl, she's dangerous. An undeniable fact. But take care to remember that she is also a living being. Unlike a knife, Alyssa feels, retains, and remembers so strongly – this trait is both her greatest vice and strongest asset.

Brief Biography: A microcosm of quiet, idealized suffering. ever since she was a child, Alyssa has dealt with her own problems, she would watch her parents blip in and out of her life and... Alyssa just dealt with it like it was nothing. She did not demand for more or ask that they care for her more or that they helped whenever she'd stumbled, no, she just learnt to dust herself off and tried her very best to raise herself. She would never be who they wanted her to be, she would never fit their ideal and she would never be the golden child that her siblings are– they will never care for the truer her that lurks beneath the surface, they will not give her the attention that she desires, or the affirmations and time that she yearns for– Alyssa will never be their pride and joy, so she has never bothered to gain more from them because they will never love her for who she really is. So, it has always been better to just focus her energy on not being the scape-goated child, on not being resented and disparaged as the 'shamelessly, overly needy, mess'. It has always been better for her to stop pointlessly chasing after and yearning for the love that she knows her family won't give to her? Not in the right way, not in the way that she wants. It has always been better for her to relent and step back, rather than longing for this love and care that she will never get. Alyssa has never conformed to her family’s loud desires and they won’t ever try to learn who she really is. They just see that she is not their ideal, that she is not stereotypical perfection nor the expectation so acceptance is nothing more than a fantasy she is unable to obtain.

Gimmick: Lost in the fire, found in the ashes. A creature of habit, Alyssa Grace is a human longing to be a better one—one who understands their inner turmoil, where it starts, and how to stop the maelstroms. Her wants are pretty simple - convalesce and work to ameliorate herself from the inside out, but it’s hard to stop the spinning to prevent herself from getting dizzy. She’s always believed that she must work hard to find her purpose, but no matter what she does, it doesn’t seem to be enough. History has shown that she is made of a special kind of steel, she shines enough on her own and requires no decorative titles to tie her down or boost her ego any higher. She has desires that run down a different alley, a wilder one; she happily treks in search of a different route that will give her what she pleases and more. Her ambitions, though plentiful, simply do not correlate with her happiness, they're distinct in screaming for something more, excitement, a purpose because that’s what she adores - the rush of a challenge, that high before victory or loss, the high of exhilaration amidst danger, it’s what keeps her satiated when the illusions of power grow stale and her head comes down from the clouds where she usually resides. For the first time in her career, doubt and a destructive kind of anger courses through her veins. Truthfully, Alyssa Grace only desires to feel alive again. She wants to look in the mirror and know who she is. Right now, she cannot say that she can do that. She lusts to re-obtain the thrill of living  life to the fullest and to get what she wants, Alyssa will do anything. Her success brings momentary joy, yes, but it fleets all too soon. Just once, she wants to live up to the praise that others have bestowed upon her for more than a moment. Slowly but surely, desperation is taking over, time is limited enough as it is. There’s demons to exercise, asses to kick and names to take and until her final breath, Alyssa Grace is going to fight against the forces that attempt to bring her down, even if the strongest force doing so right now is herself.

Character Strengths: Adaptable. Alyssa is able to change and shift with relative ease, this is shown through her flexibility and quick ability to adapt as any situation dictates. She’s a fast thinker and will meet any and all challenges thrown her way with chaotic glee and an innate inclination towards victory.  She never settles, she adapts. Yes, she might not be able to take all her opponents and challenges down at first, but what’s to say that she can’t destroy her enemies in other ways? Alyssa isn’t fixed in her ways and that’s clear in her handling of nearly all aspects of her life, ultimately it is this particular trait of hers that makes her so excellent at what she does.

Hard working. As a child, the need of having a strong work ethic was placed in Alyssa’s mind. She was taught and treated as though she could never reach any pinnacle in life without a certain level of work being put in - this idea extended even towards things like gaining her parents’ affection. Nothing beyond the very basics were ever just handed to her, she had to work to gain them. As a result of the constant drilling of this value, Alyssa has grown into an exceptionally hard-worker, going above and beyond in all her endeavours.

Passionate. Above everything else, Alyssa loves to wrestle. Despite everything she has endured in her relatively short career, she has never been faced with a task or opponent too powerful to strip her of her passion for the industry. She is a student of the game through and through, always working on improving herself and her craft, even when it may appear futile to do so simply because putting in the blood, sweat and tears to be something is installed into her DNA. Determination, passion, consistency and resilience are traits that she hopes will never be taken away from her. 

Accepting. Alyssa isn't normal, she knows and accepts this. Due to Alyssa having an acquired foreknowledge of her own strangeness, she has rightly taken to being non-judgemental of others. She might not understand other people well and may not be the best at empathizing with others but she will never discriminate or judge anyone. Alyssa has no right to act like she has any moral high ground, she knows that. It is why she'll never purposefully put you down unless it's directly deserved. You can literally tell her anything and she'd just shrug, treating you like any other person.

Fearless. Bravery is something Alyssa has in spades. Nothing great can be achieved without danger and a willingness to plunge headfirst into it, she knows that. She is audaciously bold and wears her daringness as a badge of honor, never shying away from adventures or new opportunities. In the face of fear, she'll never wilt. In the face of danger, Alyssa will laugh, loudly and proudly, she'll dare her demons to challenge her with free-spirited smirks readily blossoming on her face. The universe bends only to the brave, after all, and Alyssa is as brave as one can be.

Character Weaknesses: Impulsive. There is an intensity to Alyssa, an openly exhibited ferociousness. If you are an ally, she’ll happily use this fierceness to protect you but if you are an enemy then get ready to bare your throat to this utterly savage being. The impulsivity and fierceness she is so proud of can lead to negative outcomes as her innate anger can take over her sense of reason. Short tempered, more afraid, insecure and jealous than she cares to admit, hardened by the horrors of the wrestling world, Grace isn’t the kind woman she used to be, it’s easy to describe her as a ticking time bomb. Alyssa is confrontational to the core and her love for the violent aspect of wrestling only reaffirms this fact. Whether physical or verbal, a good spar always aids Alyssa in blowing off steam.

Possessive. When Alyssa was a child, what she was given was carefully monitored and could be taken without a second’s notice. She had noticeably fewer leisure things from her siblings and a lot less love from her parents. This treatment caused Alyssa to foster a sense of possessiveness towards what she did have. As Alyssa grew, her possessiveness did too. It has extended more to people and has become greatly more focused. This trait isn’t intentionally provoked but Alyssa yearns to keep the things she has acquired, no matter the cost.

Sadistic. There is darkness raging inside of her, it wages war and seldom inspires peace. Alyssa now likes hurting those that have hurt her. A vindictive desire to inflict pain exists within her and it's not well-hidden. Nothing pleases Alyssa more than getting righteous revenge, nothing. Screams will always sound like a beautiful symphony to her, and she is a talented composer. Even, the feeling of slick, metallic blood on her body leaves her giggling. Somehow, inflicting pain upon those who have hurt her makes Alyssa laugh in a sweet little tune with dark smiles gracing her lips in ever-so-pretty ways.

Unstable. You can't consciously hurt people and feel no extreme mental backlash without either being set in your morals and righteousness or wholly detached from both. Alyssa is in the latter category. She’s been trained to separate the idea of morals from herself. Ethical standards do not apply to herself in the particular context of her job and never will. It is this thought-process which allows her to separate moral reactions from inhumane conduct, whilst simultaneously disabling the mechanism of self-condemnation. Of course, Alyssa has a set of personal guidelines for hits but any major remorse is promptly buried until the time comes for these repressed emotions to burst and for chaos to ensue.

Allies: Liz Karlson. BIANCA. Michael Bishop. Jason Long. 

Theme Music: Who Is She? - I Monster.

Entrance: The lights in the arena begin to dim, fading completely out in a short amount of time, leaving the fans in the arena drowned in total darkness. As the eerie electronic beat of I Monster’s “Who Is She?” deafens those in attendance, thick, hot pink fog rises from seemingly out of nowhere, completely suffocating any and everything in its path, including the camera’s perception. Curiosity buzzes through the crowd as a vintage styled montage of competitors hitting the mat in defeat begins to play on the titantron.

“Oh, who is she?
A misty memory
A haunting face
Is she a lost embrace?”

As a haunting voice blares through the speakers, the smoke instantly dissipates, revealing Alyssa Grace standing at the top of the ramp, a hand on her hip. In perfect synchronicity to the beginning of the lyrics, the camera zooms in to her face, revealing the smirk that rests on her visage. Alyssa pulls her futuristic shades down slightly to offer a wink which acts as a signal for the lights in the arena to turn back on, however light returns as the same shade as the smog which has gradually faded away into the oblivion in which it came from. 

Grace begins to strut towards the ring, hips swaying slightly, there’s power in every step she takes but she grins to the universe, slapping hands with some fans before approaching a lucky audience member at ringside and placing both her shades and her hat onto them to keep. Following this, Grace hops up onto the apron, positioning herself so her back leaning against the ropes - she blows a kiss to the crowd before flipping herself over the ropes and then heading to her corner, crouching down and awaiting for the match to begin.

Wrestling Debut: January 2020.

Motivation To Compete: The overarching goal in Alyssa’s life isn’t a grand one, she isn’t trying to save the wrestling world or become a glorified hero to people. Her intentions can actually be seen as more selfish than self-sacrificing but they are very simple. To better herself as much as possible. Her actions, feelings and thoughts all surround the singular goal, to change to make a better career for herself. For once, she doesn’t look towards the bigger picture. If she is able to help herself then she knows that as a byproduct, she will improve the lives and careers of others around her. She knows she cannot fight forever and she knows that any and everything can change in the blink of an eye, she merely wants to make the most of the time she has. She wants to become a person she can be proud of, so when all is said and done, she can look back on her career and know she was able to succeed in working for a life she wanted and was happy to live.

Tendency To Cheat: Never, despite how dire a situation may look, Alyssa will not stoop that low to get the upper hand, she does not believe she requires such an advantage when her raw skill is more than enough. Besides, she’d rather lose a match with honor than cheat to gain a tainted victory. She can be ruthless and overly emotionally invested but to her credit, she’s always careful to only slightly bend the rules if necessary, not completely break them.

Favourite Match Types: Anything that deviates from a traditional match but does not have a multitude of opponents Alyssa favours as it allows her to be creative and think out of the box. These kinds of matches also allow her to be a little more ruthless than usual and she doesn’t have to control her temper, the hardcore side of wrestling can be quite the stress reliever.

Weapon Of Choice: Alyssa is crafty, she can usually make a weapon out of anything, whatever she can get her hands on, she’ll use to at least try to cause some damage. However, you'll often find her with a steel chair in hand, ready to rid the world of some demons. If she's feeling extra violent, she'll wrap her trusty chair in barbed wire.

In-Ring Achievements:
001. 1x OWA Goddesses Champion. 
002. 2021 OWA Ascension To The Heavens briefcase winner.
003. 2x OWA Omega Heavyweight Champion. 
004. 1x Project: Honour Ascension Champion.
005. 1x Project: Honour Artist of Honour Champion.
006. 2021 OWA Breakout Star of the year.
007. 2021 OWA Champion of the year.
008. 2022 Odyssey Alpha of the year.
009. 1x APEX Wrestling Tag Team Champion.
010. 1x Strong Style Wrestling Tag Team Champion.

001. Multiple Suplex Variations.
- Fisherman's. Dragon. Underhook. Slingshot. Exploder (regular & turnbuckle). Saito w/ wrist pull up.
002. Multiple Dropkick Variations.
- Tree of Woe. Missile. Baseball Slide. Shotgun. Diving. 
003. Multiple Legdrop Variations.
- Springboard. Guillotine. Running. Double.
004. Multiple Kick Variations.
- Enzuigiri. Punt. Spinning Sole Kick. Superkick. Bicycle. Scissor. Yakuza. 
005. Multiple Backbreaker Variations.
- Tilt-A-Whirl. Double Knee. Side Slam. Full Nelson. Slingshot.
006. Multiple DDT Variations.
- Cradle. Double Underhook. Elevated. Inverted. Hammerlock. Brainbuster.
007. Multiple Clothesline Variations.
- Short Arm. Cactus. Rebound. Corner. Flying.
008. Multiple Bulldog Variations.
- One handed. Springboard. Wheelbarrow. Half Nelson. 
009. Multiple Neckbreaker Variations.
Somersault. Fisherman’s. Gory. Arm Trap. Swinging.
010. Kimura Lock.
011. “Ode To Sleep.” - Romero Stretch.
012. “Chelsea Smile.” - Double Arm Crossface.
013. Octopus Hold.
014. Left Hand Knockout Punch.
015. Discus Lariat.
016. Shining Wizard.
017. Spear followed by multiple punches.
018. Spinebuster.
019. Slingshot Meteora.
020. Stinger Splash.

001. "The Irish Incendiary." Suicide Tornado DDT.
002. "Implicit Demand For Proof." Crucifix Cutter.
003. "Cunt Control." Cross Legged Triangle Choke. (Partial homage to Finnegan Wakefield.)
004. "Astral Convergence.” Swinging Neckbreaker from either the second or top rope. 
005. "Gun On The Run." Multiple corner hip attacks. (Think Toni Storm.)

001. "No Happy Endings." Diving Double Foot Stomp. (Usually to the back of a bent over opponent’s head.)
002. "Golden Grace.” Cravate Knee Facebreaker. 
003. “WARGASM” Superkick transitioned into a GTS. (Think Zoey Stark.)
004. "Death Of Peace Of Mind." Undertaker's Hell's Gate.
UF. “Snap Out Of It.” Inverted double underhook facebuster followed by a fujiwara armbar.

Last edited by Alyssa Grace on Tue Sep 06, 2022 9:25 am; edited 7 times in total

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Age : 23

PostSubject: Re: ALYSSA GRACE. ♡    ALYSSA GRACE. ♡  I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 04, 2022 12:56 pm

Lord have mercy I'm about to bust.


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Matt Miles
Matt Miles

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PostSubject: Re: ALYSSA GRACE. ♡    ALYSSA GRACE. ♡  I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 04, 2022 1:36 pm


You guys gotta chill.

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Alyssa Grace

Alyssa Grace

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Age : 24

PostSubject: Re: ALYSSA GRACE. ♡    ALYSSA GRACE. ♡  I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 11, 2022 10:56 pm

Minor updates. 
- New nickname.
- Character strengths and weaknesses added.
- Allies added.
- Slight expansion on disposition.
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Alyssa Grace

Alyssa Grace

Posts : 24
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Age : 24

PostSubject: Re: ALYSSA GRACE. ♡    ALYSSA GRACE. ♡  I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 14, 2022 8:52 am


- New picbase.
- Backstory alteration. 
- Gimmick and disposition update.
- Moveset changes. 
- New theme and entrance.
- Accomplishments updated.
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Valentina Leota

Valentina Leota

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PostSubject: Re: ALYSSA GRACE. ♡    ALYSSA GRACE. ♡  I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 14, 2022 8:06 pm

I'll accept the crackhead just bc I love everything you do. <3
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PostSubject: Re: ALYSSA GRACE. ♡    ALYSSA GRACE. ♡  I_icon_minitime

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