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Hideo Shimada

Hideo Shimada

Posts : 5
Join date : 2022-06-26

悪因悪果 Empty
PostSubject: 悪因悪果   悪因悪果 I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 24, 2022 7:47 pm


The camera fades from black to Hideo Shimada dressed in gym wear, having just completed what appears to have been a strenuous workout session. He takes a deep breath as he pats his face down with the towel sitting around his neck before sitting on one of the nearby benches, taking a moment to himself before giving the camera his full attention.

When I first left Japan and came here to America I echoed a saying a good friend of mine taught me about shooting for the stars. Well, the rocket ship I set foot inside successfully embarked on its journey when I stood face to face with Harvey Kennedy. Stared down by a man who many in his home country have dubbed a King, I showed no fear and used all of my courage to show him why they call me the Stardust Sensation. After years of being beaten down and dishonoured in Japan I finally felt like I had earned the respect of a fellow competitor in my victory. It makes me wonder if perhaps this was always the move I should have made. Maybe I shouldn’t have stayed in Japan where everything was “safe” and more familiar. America has welcomed me with open arms while the SSW Dojo pushed me down and tried to make a mockery of me. But then, perhaps, if I had not learned those hard lessons from the Dojo then I wouldn’t be the man I am today. After all we are moulded by our experiences, are we not? It inspired me to work hard, to break sweats, to push myself until my muscles are sore and my feet feel like they’re about to give. It is through being pushed down that I was able to stand up, not just for myself but for those around me I see as victims of wrongdoing. Which brings me to this past Sunday. C rightfully won the Sovereign Cup at King of the Mountain. He walked in as the darkest horse one could imagine and became the knight in shining armour that everyone was looking for when they realised that Jacob Senn and Arata Asakura had both advanced to the semi-finals. He thwarted Jacob Senn when his hubris got the better of him and toppled Arata Asakura when the so-called Higher Power grew overzealous, exposing more cracks in their already fragile alliance.

Arata blames Senn for his shortcoming at King of the Mountain but he is in dire need of being brought down to reality.

Arata, do you not see the hypocrisy in what you say when compared to your actions over the last two years? You said so yourself, you used to be known as the Self-Made Man but that’s not what I see when I look at you now. You’re completely and utterly unrecognisable. Maybe it’s true that you did not want Jacob Senn to fight your battle for you but why? When you have countlessly called upon Golden Dawn to save your skin when you’ve been in dire straits? Is it because you don’t want him to grow too close? It would be understandable… but you’re the one who made the deal with that devil. You knew what you were getting into and the longer you have allowed Jacob Senn to hover in your presence the deeper the hole you’re digging for yourself gets. But then… that’s what you do, isn’t it, Arata? You dig holes for yourself. Just look at everything that has happened in OWA or in VICTORY Pro or, better yet, the Golden Dawn itself. Golden Dawn is just another example of your hypocrisy. See, you’ve promised equality for the Golden Dawn but in reality you’ve done the complete opposite. All you have done is create a group that is subservient to you. They do your bidding as you command it, with no signs of growth or upward momentum, yet still they “drink the kool-aid” as if it’s home brewed boba tea. The only difference between you and SSW is that SSW was a conglomerate of men who failed to understand the importance of its homegrown talent while you, Arata, you are just one man, but a man who does understand that and still uses the likes of Jack Daito, Kenta Saru and Sakuya Goto for his own selfish wants and desires. You are not only a hypocrite but a liar at that and, while your selfishness has allowed you to rise through the ranks of every promotion you set foot in, I’m wisened up to your deception. I grew up in the same Dojo as the young talent in Golden Dawn and I saw first-hand how you indoctrinated them to your cause. You might have all of them fooled… but I know better.

I’m not here for them, though. They’ve had plenty of chances to see the light and I know I cannot be their saviour but I can still stare you in the eye and be the man who tells you I’m going to right the wrongs you’ve caused and repair the image you’ve created for the Japanese talent of SSW. For lack of a better term, you and Jacob Senn are shameless bullies. You thought you had gang up on C after he defeated both of you as though you’re “fixing a mistake” but the only mistake the two of you have made is thinking that APEX doesn’t have men willing to do what’s right in the face of adversity. I could not tell you the number of times I saw the likes of Jacob Senn walk into Japan as big shot foreigners, looking to capture the same glory they had in their home after having sunk down the card, trying to drown out those of us who would hope to reach his level. Well guess what? I’m not here to float. I’m here to fly, to blast off, and this Sunday I will once again become the Stardust Sensation and soar to success as if my life depended on it… because knowing who I have dared step up to, I know that could be a reality. But ultimately, Jacob Senn, Arata Asakura, you men are both fickle and full of treachery while I find strength in my endurance and determination. To allow that to falter now would be a most grave mistake…

So if nothing else, I make a single promise. A promise to C and to all of the people who will be watching:

Hideo stands up from the bench, staring down the lens of the camera as it focuses on his now hardened expression.

I promise I will not fail you.

It's with that that Hideo takes his leave, leaving the training room behind and seemingly walking to his locker. The screen fades to black.
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