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 God Bless Nepotism.

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Join date : 2022-04-25

God Bless Nepotism.  Empty
PostSubject: God Bless Nepotism.    God Bless Nepotism.  I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 23, 2022 11:52 pm

God Bless Nepotism.  G0Z6RW1asGxKXDY_8Qmji7oJVQSr_cbZYbBXGegru2rS9UXX8foq7xy3Z09jy6gsOS41q5A92-vBdxv0O5bFidgJzWZ1rfkZivFkmHZiJCybrjs6xjH37ISfbviY5I-i3JLP2vyLJO3mbcjvtUbssA

I already know how this is going to go so nothing anyone has to say to or about me heading into this match will render me surprised. Insults severely lack originality these days so I can’t say they bother me much, if at all, my skin is clear, smooth, silky and thick. When people decide to jump onto the internet to complain about topics such as nepotism and how I’m favoured because of my relationship, it’s nothing I haven’t heard before, it actually makes me laugh because no one is as clued up to things as they believe they are. Because I have this knowledge, I am deciding to kick this off and get the back and forth over and done with because I really can’t afford to have the headache that I know Finnegan will give me. I made it crystal clear that I didn’t care about competing for the Next Level Championship and although being bested by that freak ULTRA Kyoto was unsettling, I quickly realised who and what I am and got over it. Unlike the rest of you here in APEX, my worth is not determined by how successful of a professional wrestler I am, no matter what, I wake up every morning as Beatrix Havertz soon to be Miles and that’s a bigger accomplishment than any of you can even dream of achieving. When Finnegan Wakefield dies, he will be remembered for being a good wrestler and that’s it. When Finnegan Wakefield dies, the next Finnegan Wakefield will take the wrestling world by storm within a day because that's how expandable people like Finnegan are. Good wrestlers come and go in the blink of an eye and that’ll never change. On the tragic day I depart and gain my angel wings, I will be remembered for being a strong, independent woman who never took no for an answer, who never settled and who took multiple industries by storm with her presence alone. The things Finnegan Wakefield brings to the table are good but they aren’t anything otherworldly like what I bring to the table. Anyone can become a great professional wrestler with enough training but my charm, charisma, aura and talents simply cannot be taught, even I am unable to teach others to properly be like me but I really think the world of professional wrestling and the world in general would be better off if people attempted to #BeLikeBea. And you know what? It’s really not my fault people don’t pay attention to the product or their surroundings and then act flabbergasted when I wind up in the position I said I was going to wind up in. But on second thought, maybe this is on me and I shouldn’t have given simpletons the benefit of the doubt by assuming they would know what I meant when I said that I was going to get something far bigger and better than the championship that brute JUDITH holds. A part of me wishes I actually was the villain people paint me out to be because if I really had malice in my heart, I’d already have that World Heavyweight Championship around my pretty little waist, I mean it when I say I am capable of getting whatever I want within the snap of a finger so if I really wanted to? I’d have Finnegan Wakefield stripped of that championship and booted out of this company quicker than his sweaty fingers can like every thirst trap uploaded to Twitter. However, since I’m a far kinder hearted person than anyone other than my beloved wants to give me credit for, I won’t do that, if I feel tested enough I may seriously consider it but for now, Mr Wakefield is safe. It would be far more satisfying to pin his shoulders to the mat for the three count and watch his heart break before my very eyes as he realises that everything I’ve said since I decided to become a professional wrestler is true and he wouldn’t be able to keep up with me even in his wildest dreams. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had a man bewildered by my prowess.

Literally and figuratively I am the most powerful woman in this company and I know that angers so many of you. Does my relationship play into that? Yes, it does. I do know that. I don’t need to be reminded about how privileged and blessed I am but I won’t stop anyone from huffing and puffing about how their life is so unfair because mine is so good! I’m not going to apologise for refusing to settle for bottom feeders and surrounding myself with powerful individuals since my youth and I’m certainly not going to apologise for falling for the most powerful of them all. Doors have been opened for me my entire life and it would be rude for me to not strut through them with the finest Jimmy Choo’s on my freshly pedicured feet. Anyone who believes in working harder over working smarter is a glutton for punishment and should probably be seen by a psychiatrist because evidently they aren’t quite right up there. Those who do their damndest to convince me that wanting the best for myself is some kind of federal crime are weak and pathetic because who are they trying to convince, me or themselves? There is no man or woman on this planet alive who can look me in the eyes and truthfully say that if they were in my shoes, they wouldn’t do the things I have done and continue to do, I guarantee that if individuals like Finnegan Wakefield could have thirty seconds of my life, they would see the light and realise that they don’t actually want to take the difficult route because why would you want things to be difficult when they don’t have to be? “But.. but.. Bea! Suffering.. suffering builds character!” If by builds character you mean it shapes people into miserable beasts who just want to watch the world burn because they’re jealous of intelligent individuals like yours truly who always find a way to make sure they don’t end up in difficult situations to begin with then sure, suffering builds character.

Despite popular opinion, I am one of the most self aware, honest and authentic in this business, I don’t change because people don’t like me since lions never lose sleep over the opinion of sheep, I stay true to myself for better or worse. Like I know I am a lot of things and I agree with some of the names people enjoy calling me, spoilt, demanding, oh so superior and up my own behind? Sure, I am those things, I have a beautiful behind. Being called what I am doesn’t phase me just like being accused of sleeping my way to the top doesn’t phase me because although I’ve slept with the boss, it hasn’t impacted what he decides to reward me with. I get rewarded because like it or not, I’m consistent, I put in more than what many of those who claim to actually enjoy this sport do and even on my worst day, I’ll come to work with a smile on my face because I understand the importance of business. If my attitude offends you? Don’t pay me any attention. If my position offends you? Look in the mirror and do freaking better. Another thing about me is that I’m constantly evolving and becoming the best Bea possible, not for this business, not for the fans, not even for my wonderful husband to be but for myself because I am the most important person in my life. Finnegan may be the champion but he is not the main character, if he was, this movie would flop harder than Morbius. Finnegan isn’t the one people pay to see, I am, Finnegan isn’t the one with a personality, I am! I know I haven’t spoken much about Finnegan in this but the point is to speak about what’s important and he certainly isn’t that, I only pay attention to the finest things in life, the things in life that are actually worthy of my time - like myself and that APEX World Championship.

The only regret I have is not demanding to be the APEX World Heavyweight Champion the day I agreed to sign here because if I had been rude enough to do that, I wouldn’t find myself in this less than ideal situation. But getting what I genuinely believe I deserve late is better than never getting it at all. I’d conclude this by telling Finnegan to kiss my ass but that would be unladylike and I’m a little concerned he’d enjoy doing that too much so I’ll just leave this on a simple note. Finn? Once I beat you? You’ll have no choice but to shake my hand and address me as what you know I am - better than you.

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