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  Defined by three letters. - vs C

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Arata Asakura

Arata Asakura

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Join date : 2022-03-26

 Defined by three letters. - vs C Empty
PostSubject: Defined by three letters. - vs C    Defined by three letters. - vs C I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 16, 2022 2:00 pm

 Defined by three letters. - vs C GpYl7l7

 Defined by three letters. - vs C Tumblr_pfyg6uqaFE1s0zdtdo2_1280

KOTM #1: Defined by three letters.

14.07.22 Unknown Territory

*The Sovereign Cup Finals have been set, and it was only a matter of time until we got to know the winner of the first tournament hosted by APEX. As it turned out, after the last episode before King of the Mountain, Arata Asakura and a man called The Purifier will stand face to face to determine the winner. Which was a big shock for the Japanese man, who expected a different turn of events. He was sure that his ally, but also one of the biggest rivals, would wage another war with him. While the presence of C was what he had not foreseen, it did not change Arata's purpose. Regardless of who was going to stand with him in the ring, the blonde man was going to the King of the Mountain with one thought. To win the tournament and then take care of whoever will keep their dirty hands at the APEX World's Championship.*

*The shot opens in what looks like a casino, but you can tell from familiar faces that this room is most likely located on the Golden Dawn territory. No matter where you look, Arata's closest followers are having a great time. While the owner of the entire facility is leaning against a blackjack table. The man is dressed in a light blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, dark navy suit pants and black leather shoes. Arata slips his hands into the pockets of his dark trousers, and moments later the first words come out of his mouth. As you might have guessed, his tone of voice is as cold and harsh as usual, when the stake is high.*

Anyone who decides to be part of this industry has a purpose. Some are noble, others are selfish. Some of them are extremely ambitious. Others, on the other hand, are incredibly overrated. To such a point that when you hear the same lines again and again, you feel like throwing up. However, having a purpose itself is what makes our life meaningful. No matter how stupid and useless it is, that's what motivates us to wake up every day. The point is, just having a goal doesn't make you a happy person. Sometimes, inept pursuit of something that you cannot achieve turns into a nightmare, that is hunting you every day. That is why it is worth knowing your abilities and taking up what we are able to achieve. We can see the effects of not knowing your place in the hierarchy wherever you go. Especially since we have entered the stupid era of dreamers. Everywhere you look, there are all these silly motivational signs, that are saying you can achieve anything. In ninety-seven percent cases, it's just giving someone pathetic hope, and in these times people are too delusional.

I meet such people all the time in the wrestling industry. I constantly see a lot of kids, who dream of being the greatest wrestler of all the time. Though their career ends sooner than it even started, because they never had any predispositions. Perhaps, when you see others make your dreams come true, it seems to be easy. However, being a significant person is a daily journey through the depths of hell. That's why, I feel sick when I hear all this optimistic crap. I'm sick of these idiots coming into my world and telling me that they are the change that is needed. Especially since, so far no one has been able to do anything. It will be no different with you, C. It's quite cute that you think you can change the industry yourself and get rid of all the worst. However, if you think it's that simple and it will happen with the snap of a finger, then you have the mentality of a little kid. I assume that our vision of what is correct and moral is different. The thing is, I have quite a similar goal. The difference between you and me is that you are an ordinary human, who makes his life pleasant by reading poetry and picking flowers. While I am constantly waging a war that is going to lead to wrestling finally experiencing its true greatness. Eventually, I will get rid of favoritism and injustice. However, I'm not just a lonely fool who talks a lot about change and does nothing like you. I have the measures to do this. Even aside from my natural ability to always be the center of attention, I have divine power on my side, and also someone I can call a time lord. I am not walking alone in the direction of a better future, I have hundreds of people behind my back who want the same. No matter how much you desire it, C, one man will never change anything. If you don't have the support of others and the means to convince them that you are a force that can change the world. Then you'll always be just a failure.

It is interesting that you despise those who use the industry for egoistic purposes. However, I have learned one thing in the last few years. There is not a single person in this world who is not selfish. Nobody does anything that would not benefit them in any way. Moreover, I dare say that your reasons for competing are purely egoistic. You just found a good excuse to make yourself look like you are an honorable and noble person. You only tell this nonsense to get attention and sympathy. However, there is something in your brilliant plan that ruins it. The fact that everyone has heard the same story a thousand times. The fact that we've already seen millions of pseudo-heroes who talked a lot, but were practically useless. You may wonder, how do I know you're one of them? After all, I don't know you, do I? And here's my answer, C. I've never heard of you in my life, so I'm making a simple conclusion. If you did something that changed the game, I would probably get some information about such a person at least once. Whereas for me, you are one of the many faces that I will not remember anyway.

You call yourself 'The Purifier', but you can guess it's just a nickname you gave yourself to much your story. It is something that doesn't have much to do with the truth. This is something that can be compared to the "bad dog" warning hanging on the gate. While I get the feeling you are too soft. Do not get me wrong. My conclusions are not drawn from your hobbies, but from your way of being. When I look at you, I don't see someone who can destroy all the evil in this industry. I see a boy who just graduated from high school and doesn't know what to do with his life. Therefore, inspired by all the books he read, he decided to become a hero. And let me tell you, you must be lucky, C. Because nothing will put you in this position more than someone who is a real life villain. Someone whom most of the world hates. However, life is not a story with a happy ending. Good doesn't defeat evil. Only the strongest ones are victorious in the game of life. And you are like lamb to the slaughter in comparison to me. I don't know what kind of people you've met so far, C. However, I'm not your ordinary asshole that everyone doesn't like. I am someone who gave up the remnants of my humanity to change the world. I am someone who has committed crimes to ruin what I hate the most. Are you ready to risk your life against a monster like this for a stupid cup, C? And when I talk about putting your life on the line, it's not even a metaphor. Without hesitating, I burned Jeff X's body, until all that was left was a charred corpse. Without remorse, I murdered Michael Bishop in front of his family, then pierced the heart of Kai Stevens with my own hand. Are you aware that you can end up the same way, boy? Because I have absolutely nothing to lose. Most of these gaijins won't change their mind about me anyway, so to me you'd be just another corpse on top of the mountain of my dead bodies. Whereas for you, it will not only be the end of your career, but you will also miss the chance to ever have a happy life.

Perhaps, we are both in the Sovereign Cup Finals, but we are not entering this game for the same purpose. You will come to make a name for yourself and get one of your first accoleds. But I don't care about this fucking cup. What I want is another shot at the APEX World's Championship. Winning the tournament is my ticket to get it and fulfill my destiny. It is my chance to get myself a tenth World Championship. So we are from completely different worlds, C. We find ourselves in completely different positions in the hierarchy. Therefore, do not be surprised that I am looking down on you. You're not even high enough to clean my shoes. And I don't care if you beat Jacob Senn on your way to the finals. Fact, I was not expecting this. From the very beginning, I thought it was me and Senn who would fight for the cup. So congratulations, you surprised the world, but it was a one-time situation that will never happen again. And definitely not with me, boy. I've always been better than him and everyone else, so don't have too much hope for victory, or you'll end up heartbroken.

From day one in this industry, I had what it takes to be at the top. Even if I was constantly constrained by a bunch of ignorant people, I was always able to repel their attack. I've always found ways to get what I deserve. And I will get my hands on the APEX World's Championship as well. I know people don't want it, because another title like this in my hands will only make more people follow me. As you know, gold is considered a good symbol of authority. However, destiny cannot be deceived. You can't always count on a miracle. If you really want to keep me away from what is most valuable in this industry, then you should try harder. Instead, you send a kid to do the dirty work for you. Therefore, I would like you to know that if something happens to C, you have blood on your hands, Miles.

I don't know where the idea to call yourself 'C' came from. Is that short form for Cunt? Complete failure? Both works. For some reason, you've chosen one letter to define who you are. While I am identified by three letters.


I would like you to walk into this match with this awareness, because if you are led by arrogance. The Sovereign Cup won't be the only thing you lose at King of the Mountain.

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