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Alyssa Grace

Alyssa Grace

Posts : 24
Join date : 2022-03-03
Age : 24

Rise. Empty
PostSubject: Rise.   Rise. I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 15, 2022 3:13 am

Rise. Wwe-becky-lynch

How Liz and I are treated really doesn’t matter.

Sure, being misted by a man with a psyche so fragile he caved to the manipulative charm of Diantha Rosso and consequently spat in the face of his legacy to become a glorified lap dog stung like a motherfucker. And sure, words do have the possibility to cause harm - in this instance the repetitive ramblings of a deluded Diantha are more vexatious than anything else, but at the end of the day, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter. None of it does.

Because no matter
what there’s no denying what I am, what Liz is and what we are.



Although it is tempting to do so, I’m not planning on letting my anger get the best of me until I meet the ones responsible for almost removing my sight. Trust me, I’m filled to the brim with rage but until I can physically use it as a weapon, it serves little to no purpose. I’ll give it to Diantha, she has done everything in her power and then even more to get beneath our skin and to be fair, she’s done a grand job at escalating things to a level that never needed to be reached but despite that, despite everything, she hasn’t been able to change one very crucial thing, the fact that our trajectory is undetermined. How high it reaches, the point in which it finally arcs and plateaus, is unknown. Diantha can’t decide it, Christopher can't. The only influence in how grand that trajectory is lies within the hands of Alyssa Grace and Elizabeth Karlson. Nobody else. And as long as there’s a shroud of mystery surrounding that starlit peak, it’s not for Dinahta to say how far this team can go, or whether or not we can defeat her and Christopher. The truth of the matter is that we’re still in that infancy stage of our trajectory. Everything we do is a giant leap forward, only altering that trajectory better in our favour. The more individuals we beat, the better it is. The higher our ceiling is. The further beyond the stratosphere we’ll go. And considering in our
SECOND official match as a team we captured our first pair of tag titles, I’d say we’re starting off on the right foot. So, considering Diantha possessed the bravery to bring into question our lack of experience as a team and wonder what we’ve done - there you go. What have Diantha and Christopher done? What have they accomplished? Why are they even teaming together in the first place? If Liz and I are nothing more than two names plucked out of a hat at random then I dread to think what Diantha and Christopher are. 

Have you, yes you, watching this, ever wonder what separates the likes of Liz and myself from the rest? It isn’t a difficult concept to grasp. It has taken being dragged down the fiery paths of hell to relearn that in our power, we have a relentless mindset, one which is boundless, never contained by our desired image of ourselves but instead one which is always being bent, always being moulded into something else, something more. Our truest forms will never be abandoned, never be lost out of the fear that we need to do more. The difference between the two of us and others is that from the get go we’ve had this mindset. This sweeping perspective that never once deters us from reaching those goals laid out. Failures and struggles, the reasons for being here are mere reminders of what came before, what can’t be changed and what can’t be altered. Vanity is merely a benefit of it all. Vanity is merely something that comes when you do everything else right. We have already achieved that right of vanity. No matter the grand attempts to disrupt or dismiss what we do, how we handle ourselves, how we conquer this world, the key to us far exceeding all others isn’t obtained by only thinking of it, of only ‘wanting’ or mimicking the acts of another, but rather it’s just a god given ability. We arrive here, at King of the Mountain and compete for those Championships because we’re just a mere step ahead of others. We’re the team that eyes gravitate to, because our talent thus far has been shown to be only something that comes only once in a near decade. The kind of rarity that isn’t matched, the rarity that can’t be replicated. The difference, between us, between Alyssa and Liz and everyone else is a lethal mindset. We succeed when it's called upon, when the opportunity is right before us we seize and we seize and we seize. We don’t let it slip through our grasps, we don’t allow anyone else to get even a whiff of that success. You can call it arrogance, you can cling to some thought that we’re just being delusional, that we’re being a little too speculative, a little too dreamy for your interests but that doesn’t change what is inevitable. 

Despite popular belief, when Liz and I decided to even entertain the thought of bringing the APEX Wrestling Tag Team Championships to life, we were taking the benefit of others' careers into consideration more than our own. These titles weren’t formed for Liz and I to make ourselves feel better about the rollercoaster we’ve struggled to get off of for the past few months, these titles were formed for the good of this company because even on our worst days, we fucking love this industry and we love being able to give to it as much as it gives to us. I always find that generosity is taken the wrong way. Particularly by those who don’t understand that the gesture is by all means good intentioned to start with. This opportunity exists for Diantha and Christopher because Liz and I are good people at heart. This opportunity, and any opportunity to challenge for our tag team championships exists so that any basement dweller in the division can step up and prove that given the right moment- they can do better. Liz and I could’ve cut the line of contention off right above ‘scraping the bottom of the barrel’, if we had done, we’d be facing quite literally any other combination of names but I realized that it might open us up to claims of discrimination against the mentally handicapped. And that wouldn’t look good for anyone. It's astonishing really, when you think about it, with how little expectations I’m willing to put on Diantha and Christopher and they have still managed to disappoint me before opening their fucking mouths. It’s a lot easier for Diantha to huff and puff and try her best to convince the world that Liz and I are a pair of selfish and poorly prepared clowns who don’t have a clue, it’s easier for her to get her bitch to do the dirty work, it’s easier for her to make this bout into something it isn’t because if she swallows the hard pill that is the truth, she knows that her and Christopher don’t have a fucking chance. Deep down inside, she knows that this only ends one way - with the Power Of Incredible Violence on top. Where they belong. Months full of heartache and disappointment; of misery and defeat being driven away by the blistering light shining down. Within hell, I’ll find salvation. This match will not be heaven, it will be the furthest thing from it. This is not just about becoming a champion. I’m not a bad woman, I’m a necessary woman; doing whatever it takes to make my hopes and dreams a reality. Setback after setback has consumed my mind and the bitterness has begun to cloud my judgement. I’ve found myself losing interest and I have considered walking away on more than one occasion but I’m simply not content with everything I’ve done so far. This isn’t just about adding another accolade to my list of accomplishments. This is me proving to myself and to the world that it’s never too late to turn things around.

I can no longer rest on that simply being an idea.

I must make it a reality.

That philosophy has forced its way to the forefront of my mind, the Western Front of the war that wages between doubt and belief, pride and depression. And like a cancer it sits there, cocky and bold about its claim; encouraging yet lacking sympathy. With every setback the walls within become more and more filled with such dribble; It has been here for long enough and it's time for me to wash it away. Perhaps to some, to many, it’s not wise to pin such a personal demon on something that will make or break me. Yet I wouldn’t have it any other way. My own perception of greatness has led to little and I’ve watched too many people surpass me. Despite the success I may have tasted, consistency is what I’ve lacked and consistency is why I am not content with the career, the legacy I’ve tried to forge. There will be no shortcomings from now on. To find my peak form, to find the consistency to stand on the final day, and to be proud of myself and of my best friend - that is the one and only dream that coats my waking eyes and haunts me while I sleep. Award after award is no more than consolation prizes. There truly is no prize awaiting me at the end of this journey; no trophy to place on my mantle, no poster to be hung on the wall, no spotlight shining down for the world to see. It is a crown but it is nonexistent. The crown of contempt, a private, self-satisfying monument I will find true satisfaction with. And with it fades the pressure, the expectation, the desire to prove some point more to myself than others. No longer will the cancer bury itself further into my mind. No longer will a war wage within my own subconscious. Peace peace is what awaits me. 

I’m seeking personal vindication on a scale that makes every match nothing short of vital. And am I willing to risk everything for it?

You’re damn fucking right I am.

Liz is too, I’m sure of it.

This. Is. Everything.

Diantha and Christopher can have all the confidence and bravado – you can argue that they’re walking into this with the upper hand considering the stunt they pulled last week but they will never be able to match the importance and thus the fire and the passion that Liz and I have. In the dying moments, that will be the difference. It won’t be skill, it won’t be class, it won’t be who can stand most proud; it’s whoever thinks they can’t afford to live and fight another day. Whoever’s heart would rather stop beating than taste defeat THAT…that is what will separate us and I would rather lay lifeless in the attempt to find that personal redemption than lose to them and watch this all pass me by. There is no hesitation, there is no second guessing, and there is no mercy.  There is no length I’ll let my body be torn apart before I say enough is enough. I’m not waiting a second longer to piece myself back together and I will not allow ANYTHING ELSE to slip through my fingers. I have put far, far too much on the line to even consider the possibility of falling short; I’m not content with failing. 

I will not fail.

Liz will not fail. 

This is only the beginning. 

Welcome to the new world.

Our world.

OOC: Had some family matters come up that apparently only I’m available to handle so my apologies for this being a little rushed and for the fact I probably won’t be able to post a second promo. Love y’all. x

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