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 Ezekiel 21:31

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Ezekiel 21:31 Empty
PostSubject: Ezekiel 21:31   Ezekiel 21:31 I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 26, 2022 10:55 pm

Emmy’s Tour Bus

Emmy looks more amused than anything else, lounging on a couch on a tour bus that she had bought for herself, a massive bus colored in her favorite colors of gold and sky blue. It had all the amenities of home in a vehicle: lounge and game area, full bathroom and shower, even a small kitchen. One of the many perks of being the wrestler she was and having the family she had. She’s dressed in what looks like some sleepwear, white pajama pants with a tank top colored the same. Next to her on the couch is a crown and trophy that she collected on her recent trip to London. 

Alyssa, Liz, good to see you. I’m actually looking forward to this quite a bit. I’ve followed both of your careers, especially you Little ‘Lyssa. I’ve been waiting for a chance to get a crack at you for the longest time. I don’t dislike you or anything like that, just so we’re clear. We’ve got some fundamental differences between us but that’s for a little later. I just want you, for the time being, know that you’re tough as nails. You’ve tapped out Hana Nakajima and April Song among others in title matches…not small feats in any sense. You’re one of the best wrestlers walking the planet, straight up. 

And your partner? I remember standing in the ring and celebrating our time as Champions together. Liz was the first APEX World Champ, I was the first Next Level Champ. Neither of us have gold right now, but you winning that championship solidified your status as a cornerstone of this federation. You and I, we made names for ourselves, you know? Which leaves me wondering exactly what’s going on here with you and Alyssa. Are you two having some sort of weird romance or something? You’ve spent the better part of three months trying to beat the shit out of each other and now all of a sudden you’ve decided to come together, form yourselves a nice little tag team. I certainly can’t discount your strength because well…both of you are great.

But this is a little weird. 

Where is the ambition? Where is the desire? Where is the pride? Now, I’m not hating on tag team wrestling in any sense, I enjoy teaming with MYOJIN, my buddy who I’m sure you’ve both heard of. Platinum and Gold ring a bell? But even so, the two of you…I think that you both can do so much more than try to build up your little Combat Club or Combat Clique or Extraordinary Violence Association or whatever the fuck. Both of you have been World Champions. Is it trailblazing to try to form something new when your options have been exhausted? 

Or is it a form of cowardice? 

Now, before you two ladies get your panties in a collective bunch, I’m not saying you’re cowards for forming a new alliance. We need all the friends we can find in this world, especially in our line of work. But you think it’s supposed to scare me that you two are teaming up? I’ve gone through literally dozens of people to win matches before. Battle Royals, Steel Cages, Boobytrapped battlefields. You name it, I’ve seen it and I’ve been through it. Do you think you having no regard for your body is supposed to intimidate me? Do you think the two of you talking about building something new, inflicting punishment and whatever edgy horse shit you come up with is supposed to scare me, make me come at you hesitant? 

Let me fill you in on a little somethin’: I’m a little bit of a pervert. I’m sure that most of the people who follow my Twitter know this, but I need to make sure you understand the level of individual you two are dealing with. I can’t speak for my partner, but I thrive on physicality. I’m not joking…it turns me on. Someone talking about they’re going to do this and do that and violence blah blah blah…all that does is make me look forward to the challenge even more. I take pride in being willing to step up and fight anyone, anywhere, at any time. That big psycho bitch JUDITH? While most of you were hiding and twiddling your thumbs hoping she’d overlook you, I welcomed her challenge. I lost, mainly because Nia Rambeau is made out of brittle glass masquerading as muscles and a big ass. But guess what, who do you two think I’m looking for as soon as my business is done with you two, huh? 

You think I’m gonna just let that big walking, talking Hot Topic advertisement continue to walk around with MY shit after not beating me for it? Oh, no. But, be that as it may, it seems like she’s got her eyes set on my partner. They have some long-standing beef and all that and Chelsea hijacked the belt for a bit. I’m patient though, I’ll let that play out. Whoever is standing on the other side, I’ll take what belongs to me. But, and I’m just trying to make sure you understand the difference between my direction and your direction, ladies: 

I don’t need to focus on new targets, or try to start some psycho anime bitch club to stay relevant. You see this trophy, you see this crown with all the bling on it? I went to London and beat three other women at the same time to earn it. The Queen’s Cup. And now, I’m back in the United States, jet lagged, sleepy, and utterly bored with you two anime antagonist ass women, talking about violence and whatnot like it’s some kind of sex toy. If you want to fight, if you wanna get your legacy started in the best way possible, then look no further than one of the toughest women alive and the Platinum Standard to get you going. 

Chelsea obviously has a lot on her mind right now. I’m not going to sit here and pretend that she’s completely okay mentally. But you know who is mentally 100 percent? Me. Do you know who got medically cleared a few days ago so this match could take place? Me. Do I know there’s no “I” in the word “Team”. Yes…but there’s an M and an E in that motherfucker, right? Chelsea’s gonna show up and do what she can, and I promise you even though I’m banged up and jetlagged I will be more than ready for this match. This ain’t about building momentum. I’ve proven in my career that I don’t need “momentum” as a prerequisite for me putting on stellar performances. I just have to show up, have the right opponents, and the lights on juuuuuuuuust bright enough. 

I have been so rarely used on APEX Weekly, there’s no way I can’t leave without putting on a classic, right? I can’t just tease my audience with my presence and not show out. I know that sounds a little narcissistic, but yeah…I’m not going to let the people who pay all that money to watch me wrestle in St Louis down. Nope, nope nope. And if you ladies want to wrestle like wrestlers, I’m fine with it. I’m one of the best technical wrestlers in the world. Ask some of these grown ass men, and I identify them very liberally as men, on APEX’s roster if I can’t hit hard. I was trained by the best in the world to be, well, the best in the world. 

But it seems like you two have some other plans in mind, talking about how bloodthirsty this and dangerous that. Guess what, and I’m pretty sure Chelsea’s gonna agree with me, if the two of you want to get into some ol’ gangsta shit, we can. I threw a bitch off a cage, sending her into the canvas and broke her elbow. I nearly broke Arata Asakura’s ribs. I dropped one of the most feared wrestlers in the United States, Rosanna Vendetta, on her motherfucking head while selling out the Estadio Azteca. I went through barbed wire, thumbtacks, boobytraps, guard dogs, and seven other individuals in Project: Honor to hold onto gold or get a shot at gold….twice. All the fucks that you think you don’t give, I don’t give either. 

We’re going to be ready, JUDITH and your ambitions be damned. And we’re going to kick the collective ASS of your so-called Genesis the way Super Nintendo used to kick the Sega Genesis’s ass back in the 1990s. You’re going to find out just how Wrestling Queen Emmanuelle responds when you break the golden rule: Thou Shalt NOT FUCK with Emmanuelle or her tag partner. 

“And I will pour out mine indignation upon thee, I will blow against thee in the fire of my wrath, and deliver thee into the hand of brutish men, and skillful to destroy.”

Oh, this applies to that big bitch too….
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