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Join date : 2022-03-21

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PostSubject: Three Levels    Three Levels  I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 04, 2022 10:50 pm

Emmy was…managing okay. She had made her way backstage after the assault by one of her challengers, the monster JUDITH. She still had her Apex Next Level Championship in her possession as she settled into an empty chair. One of the EMTs came to check her out but she swatted him away with a smack to the head as soon as he got close. Her pride was more hurt than anything else. Yeah. the big woman was every bit as strong as she had suspected. And Nia Rambeau was just as pragmatic as their mutual trainer. She definitely expected a Rosso protege to get while the getting was good. The message that JUDITH wanted to send was received. A few days later Emmy decided to record one of her own….

Three Levels  Img_3810

You know, I don’t get what it is about me, but I seem to be a magnet for the weirdo wrestlers of the world. All of you know what I’m talking about, right? The big, demented types who are just absolute brutes. They come and take what they want. They like inflicting punishment. They absolutely adore delivering pain to people. I’ve not seen JUDITH until she introduced her foot to my face, but I’ve seen many wrestlers like her in my relatively short career. The funny thing is, she feels different too! A lot of people rant about being destructive forces of nature, she IS a destructive force of nature. When these title eliminators got set up, I knew that regardless of who came out on top I was going to have my hands full. One challenger is already a handful, but two at the same time doesn’t specifically play in my favor. Not that I care about any of that though. When you announce your arrival on the scene by beating three other guys who are bigger and stronger than you are to claim a championship, odds don’t matter as much anymore. With that said, I think there are three things that I need to get off my chest so I can level with you two ladies.

I do believe that there has been some confusion about who I actually wanted to face. I know, social media sees one post, someone gets things twisted and that leads to misunderstandings. Now…JUDITH, the girl you beat to earn this shot is very attractive and to be perfectly honest despite the brooding nature you have and the apparent desire you have to kill me, you’re pretty hot yourself….but she’s not the woman who I had so much hope for, who I was craving to face! 

It was you, Nia. I’ve had my eyes on you ever since you’ve arrived here. And sweetheart, I really, REAAAAAAAALLLLY like what I’ve seen. You have the look of a champion. You wrestle well. You’re a former collegiate athlete, same as me. We both spent our time training under that lunatic Carlos Rosso. You have everything that I absolutely desire in a challenger for this belt. But I do wonder though, why do I have a feeling that even though you have extraordinary tools that you’re still an ordinary wrestler? I mean, you haven’t really been truly tested yet. Anyone can have the look and damn it to hell you do, but it takes a lot more than the look and the training to pull off what you’re trying to pull off, sweetheart. 

Nia, I love you and respect everything about you, but I can’t tolerate disrespect. You seem to have a problem with me for not being on every show, running up and down the country and having matches with people every week. Here’s the thing: when you’re as good as I am, you are what you call, shall we say a PRIME ATTRACTION. You don’t have to wrestle every week because you have already proven your worth. You’ve already proven why you’re a champion. People pay their hard-earned money to put on classics with everyone from Arata Asakura to anyone you can possibly think of to set against me. That’s what I’m paid for and I don’t apologize for it. I like the big life, the big money, and the big matches.

But what you and apparently a lot of other people don’t understand is that I’m not afraid to get in the mud. I like money, but I’m more than willing to grind even when I’m not on the marquee. Did you know that I’m wrestling for not just APEX right now but four other organizations? Did you know that I have another trainee of our former mentor under my wings right now, sitting under my learning tree and learning what it is to have the Emmy mentality? Don’t you know that I’m grinding my ass off, having three or four matches at minimum every week, against men, women and every motherfuckingthing in between? 

You would know that if you paid attention. 

But don’t worry. Miss Emmy has a nice crash course planned for your pretty, tall ass. You think that you’re ready to do what I do, carry a title that I carry, have your name in the bright lights? Well, by all means show me at Event Horizon. Unfortunately for you, you’re not going to be showing me much of anything because I plan on making sure you leave with the understanding that talking about winning a title and carrying the load is a damn different task than actually doing it. If you consider me an obstacle, consider me your Mount Midoriyama, an obstacle you’re not ready to even face yet, much less talk about conquering. 


JUDITH. I’m actually very much entertained by you. Most other people in the world would be scared shitless if someone like you came calling for their championship. I’m not most other people. Yeah, I’m a little bummed that you beat up poor little Bea the way that you did, but like I said before, she’s not the one that I necessarily had an eye on. You talk a lot, you snort a lot and you smirk a lot. But I don’t think that you think things through a lot. For starters, it’s some great victory for you to sneak attack me and then pick up my title which you haven’t fucking earned yet, mind you, and walk around like you’re hot shit? 


That’s not how any of this works. You see, Judy Jetson, anybody can walk to the ring and beat someone’s ass when they’re not expecting it. When they’re not dressed to fight or even scheduled to fight. It’s something completely different to actually take the fight to someone who is expecting it. Now, I understand exactly what you’re trying to do. In a way, I did something similar. I remember there was a champion that I specifically wanted to challenge. I knew exactly who it was and when, but I made them wait. I made the entire world wait because I had earned the right to challenge whomever I wanted in that company for whatever title I pleased. Then, I pulled up to him in his native country and told him to his face that I wanted his belt and I was going to take it from him. No attacks, nothing.

And I took it from him. 

I got in his head. I made him frustrated. I made him focus more on putting me in my place instead of focusing on actually winning the match. He made it personal…and I kept it impersonal. I know what you’re trying to do, Judy Jetson. You’re trying to get under my skin, fire me up to try to prove myself to you. Make you regret the words you say, right? Look, I’m not going to be an idiot and take the bait. I’ve seen it all before, and as good as you are there’s nothing you offer me that really hasn’t been put on my plate before. 

Oh, by the way…how am I a hypocrite? I’m showing up when I’m told to show up. I wrestle when I’m told to wrestle. I’m being pretty damn professional by my usual standards here in APEX! I haven’t even started milking the company for all the perks I wanted just yet. You and Nia have this thing where you think that just because you say a few mean things I’m supposed to get upset. Nah. I don’t operate like that, sweetheart. And in fact, you getting all angry and sweaty and shouty makes me all the more eager to face you in the middle of the ring. You talk…and talk…and talk.

The thing about me is that I’ve always shown my greatness. Not just talk about it. You want to wrestle? We can wrestle. If you want to fight like we’re out in some strip club parking lot? We can do that too. I’m not going to get worked up by things you say, but if you want to dance, I’m a prima donna when it comes to this wrestling shit.

I know that both of you have your reasons for wanting to make my stay as Next Level Champion a short one, and I honestly dig both of you. One of you is all about the flash, the showmanship. The other one wants to fight. I can do both, ladies. This is a threesome after all, right? I can satisfy both of you at the same time I’m sure! In all seriousness, I didn’t just come to APEX to just make a few dollars and dip. I came here to build a legacy and the belt that you two are trying to take away from me is part of that. Plus I get paid a lot more since I have that in my possession. And if you provide me with a cash flow problem, I will provide you both with blood flow problems. I’m smaller than both of you. I’m not as muscular and I’m a little low key when it comes to how I talk to people. 

But if you want a fighting champion, if you want somebody who is ready to scrap? You don’t have to look far. I’m right here. I’m going to show up to Event Horizon with this belt and I’m leaving that show with it, come hell or high water, earthquake or hurricane. I went through hell to get to this point, and I’m not really quite in the mood to go fucking about in the World Championship scene just yet. The Next Level Championship is my baby. A fucking newborn at that! And I’m not very interested in leaving my sweet baby in the hands of some strangers because they think they have nothing resembling a clue of what being a “fighting champion” is. 

You two earned the right to get this shot, you’re both good. But I’m planning on demonstrating to both of you that the next level may be juuuuuuuust a little bit beyond your skill levels just yet. But don’t get discouraged! You’re both going to be cornerstones of my division. Even once I’ve beaten you both at the same time, I expect you to come see me again, get that big paycheck again, and catch more Ls. Girls like you are what I was dreaming of when I first took possession of this belt. I didn’t come here for the same boring shit week after week, and I didn’t come here to wrestle dude-brahs like Cole every week.

I wanted competition and it’s been provided to me in abundance. So much abundance in fact that the odds could be considered “stacked against me”! OH NO! What ever shall poor little Emmy do, once again surrounded by the big bad monsters! How will she ever compete?

The same way I always do. Full fucking throttle. Event Horizon is going to be a super sweet #V2 for The Platinum Standard. You girls wanted to see what the next level was like, right? 

Level Start, bitches.

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