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Christopher Sabertooth

Christopher Sabertooth

Posts : 10
Join date : 2022-04-26
Age : 29

Round Two Empty
PostSubject: Round Two   Round Two I_icon_minitimeThu May 19, 2022 4:44 am

Round Two Coolte24

The Blazing Ace of Grand Japan Wrestling. I am not reaching when I say that Hiroto Kamiya’s signing with APEX has had quite a lot of fanfare following his debut. And what a match that was! Arata Asakura is no doubt one of the best in the business today and Hiroto was able to get a win over the Gaijin Killer! Personally, I was shocked. No matter how good Hiroto is, I had him as an underdog as most people would be facing Arata. But he proved me wrong. Ever since that moment though, Arata and Jacob Senn have been making his life a living hell. Even having somebody of the caliber of Finnegan Wakefield wasn’t enough to shift the momentum back in his favor. It’s unfortunate because I feel like the hype has fizzled out a bit. But who am I to judge? I came in with all the fanfare in the world only to lose to Harvey Kennedy. 

While the easy thing to do would be to blame The Monarch for all my misfortune, I am not going to take that route. While Hiroto has been busy with Senn and Arata, I have had my hands full too. The very first thing I ever did in APEX was to lay down the challenge to Aren Mstislav. I have heard about his legend from a time before my own rise and the thought of facing somebody of his pedigree definitely excited me. Though, over the last couple of weeks, my excitement has been thrown out to the wayside. Instead of accepting my challenge, Aren has been doing everything but that to keep me occupied. Showing up in my debut match and making sure that my hands don’t get raised. Calling out a certain somebody that I have repeatedly told the world that I do not associate with that entity anymore. Nathan Fiora worked his magic and exercised my demons. And ever since then, I have been given a new chance at life. Seeing that Aren has Echo by his side definitely makes me want to consider getting somebody of my own to join me in this fight-- But I’d much rather face Aren head to head. 

Aren doesn’t have much of a history in OWA and yet he’s a Hall of Famer. Somebody that everyone respects. Heck, he put on a show with one freaking arm, against one of the most sadistic motherfuckers in wrestling today. I am glad that he’s back to full health, by the way. Of course, he’s got Aizen to thank for it. There’s no fun in beating a crippled Monarch, is it? What puzzles me is his fascination with Havoc. He wants to KILL the demon, once and for all. Listen, I know what he’s trying to do. He’s already working on the narrative for his eventual defeat. Because if he loses, he could always put it on, Havoc. That I had an unfair advantage. That I tapped into the unknown realms to take him down. Which is fine! But to suggest that the demon is still inside of me-- To suggest that I should let him control my life again after he nearly brought it down to RUINS! That’s not something I am willing to accept. That’s not something I am willing to mull over. I challenged Aren as one icon of pro-wrestling to another. But with every passing day, Aren keeps making it personal. He keeps wanting me to delve into the darkness that I tried SO HARD to fucking get out of. It nearly ruined my life and it definitely ruined my fucking reputation. I had to work day and night selflessly to get back to where I am today. Just so that the people could look at me in a different light. Just so that the people could understand that what happened was out of my hands. I didn’t CHOOSE to be a demon. I didn’t CHOOSE to take innocent lives. TO THIS FUCKING DAY I have nightmares thinking about the terrible acts that Havoc committed. I have to live with the guilt of his sins till my dying day. So forgive me for NOT wanting to tap into the power of the demon. 

I am sorry… I got sidetracked talking about Aren. But this coming week, it’s not about him. I haven’t had the best start to my APEX run and while I got a bit of sweet revenge at Aren’s expense-- It just isn’t enough for somebody as competitive as me. When I walked in here, people said that I was one of if not THE biggest signing in the company’s history. My reputation hasn’t changed because of one loss. People still know and respect me for who I am. But deep down, that’s just not enough. It’s not enough to be recognized for things that I have done in the past. I am not here to coast to an easy paycheck. I am not here to help out the rising talents and show them the right path in the world of wrestling. No. I am here to prove that I am the best at what I do. And losing to Harvey Kennedy definitely made me reconsider what I am doing. It made me realize that I can’t get complacent. That I can’t turn my back for a second cause there are motherfuckers out there waiting to strike at the best opportunity. Look at Harvey. He’s already making a career out of the two wins that he got in these past couple of weeks. That’s what my name can offer to these new talents. Beating me is a stamp of approval. It legitimizes every word that they say.

And I can’t do the same for Hiroto. Don’t get me wrong, I do respect his tenacity and will to fight. I respect him for trying to get more eyes to his homeground. Grand Japan Wrestling is definitely better off now having their ace beat somebody like Arata. It just seems like Hiroto’s entire personality revolves around what he accomplished in Grand Japan. I am sure he did some phenomenal work there but we’re not in Grand Japan, are we? So, waving the Grand heavyweight belt or whatever they call it like it means anything here is stupid don’t you think? I didn’t fight for that belt-- So why should I care about who you faced or what you did there? This is not a dick measuring contest. I could bring out all the pieces of gold that I carry around in my briefcase cause I happen to be a belt collector myself, but that brings NOTHING to the conversation. My accomplishments in different places around the world only serves the purpose of legitimizing every word that I say. I am one confident motherfucker and I have every right to be. But those belts don’t DEFINE who I am. 

Hiroto, it seems like you want to recapture the moments of glory that you had in the early days of APEX at my expense. I am not going to let you do that. You just happen to be at the wrong place and at the wrong fucking time. Aren Mstislav has been a pain in my ass and I need to prove a point to him and everybody else in the locker room. Just because I don’t have a fucking demon doing my bidding, it doesn’t mean that I can’t stomp on your fucking favorites and make them eat shit. Personally, you do nothing for me Hiroto. You’re not the odds on favorite. You’re not clouted up so beating you really doesn’t do much for me. In a way, I have everything to lose in this match and you have everything to gain. You put up a competitive fight, it makes Grand Japan and you look like the real deal. And if you win, you’re a made man. The only problem is that you’re not going to win. In fact, I am not trying to waste my time and give the people a match they can rave about. No. I want to beat you as fast as I can and get out of there before Aren can show his ugly mug and try to steal my thunder. No offense, I just need to bring the ship back on track. It still doesn’t feel like Christopher Sabertooth has ARRIVED on APEX. I NEED to have my hand raised. I need for the people to feel the fucking passion that I have for this business. I need to show them that I am better than EVERYBODY else in that company. Aren won’t get what he wants and you’ll be the example that I set for him. I apologize in advance for what I am about to do to you. It wouldn’t matter who stepped up to me this week-- The outcome wouldn’t have changed. 

He wants the Demon… He’s not going to get it because Christopher Sabertooth is MORE than enough to kick his fucking head in. I’ll show him-- By stomping on Hiroto Kamiya until he can’t move anymore. 

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