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 "Bimbo?" - Aw Judy thinks I'm pretty!

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"Bimbo?" - Aw Judy thinks I'm pretty!  Empty
PostSubject: "Bimbo?" - Aw Judy thinks I'm pretty!    "Bimbo?" - Aw Judy thinks I'm pretty!  I_icon_minitimeThu May 12, 2022 11:19 am

"Bimbo?" - Aw Judy thinks I'm pretty!  Tumblr_pyzyvf852J1xqq5qqo1_540

"Bimbo?" - Aw Judy thinks I'm pretty!  Tumblr_pyzyvf852J1xqq5qqo3_540

I’d like to start this thing off by saying that what happened to Chelsea Creed is SO tragic. Sad Crying or Very sad My thoughts and prayers go out to the poor thing, I was looking forward to her being the first person blessed enough to get the Bea Havertz experience in its eternity but now that’s not happening because of that spoilsport JUDITH! But as they say, life and the show must go on and nothing in the world is powerful enough to halt the best thing to happen to this company since its inception - Bea Havertz’s debut! Very Happy 

This is a big deal to me but not for the reasons you may be thinking, I’m not concerned with going out there and putting on the performance of a lifetime to impress the lowest members of society who spend their time locked away in their mothers basement reviewing wrestling matches and foaming at the mouth when death defying stunts aren’t performed every twenty seconds because they literally have nothing else going for them - no, the demographic I plan on appealing to is far greater than your average wrestling fan - I’m not sorry if this offends but commoners simply aren’t worth my time. The only opinions I somewhat value are those of management, of sponsors, of the men and women with big bucks and an ever bigger influence, people like myself! I want actual important members of society to take a look at me and go “Yup, she’s a star!” and I have no doubt in my mind that they’re going to do exactly that. When you take into consideration my devilish good looks, indisputable charm and almost superhuman athletic ability, I really am the perfect package so deeming me as anything but the biggest acquisition in APEX’s history would be foolish. 

Now, before you lot get your panties in a twist and cause a riot over a woman unapologetically displaying a level of confidence your feeble minds aren’t used to seeing, let me reassure you that other people who I can confirm have impeccable taste, look at me and also see what I see! To be quite frank, this company needs me, if it didn’t Matt Miles wouldn’t have quite literally asked me if I’d be generous enough to share some of my talents with the (rather sad) group of professionals he’d managed to bag so far. At first, I was against the idea, like uh no way do I want to risk damaging my appearance on a weekly basis, are you insane?? Don’t get me wrong, I know I can hang with the folk here but I can’t trust them to remain professional when they realise that I outperform them in every category and although I could totally put an animal down if I had to, even I know that the chances of doing so whilst remaining unscathed are low. Vanity reasons aside, my face is marketable, it’s recognizable and if I’ve got a black eye, busted lip or broken nose, no one is going to want to put me on ANY promotional material! Plus, it’s not like I need the money being a wrestler brings.. to me it’s just the icing on top of the cake, not the cake itself. 

So yeah, originally I told the bossman no which wasn’t easy to do because he’s a dear friend and I do want to see him succeed! Now, not to put words in his mouth or anything but he proceeded to heavily imply that APEX was lacking starpower and I mean.. after glancing at the roster, I had no choice but to agree. I’m not the easiest woman to convince but after a lengthy conversation, a nice dinner and promises for my career outside of this shitty sport I’m not sure I can reveal for legal reasons, I caved in and decided that out of the kindness of my heart, the least I could do was give this wrestling thing a shot. And now here I am, already close to adding some gold to my collection of luxury items, how exciting! I fail to understand the significance this community puts on titles but I’m not as stupid as some people assume I am based on my looks so I know that the champions of this sport get more. They get the royalties, they’re pretty much guaranteed television time, they get the spotlight, the media coverage and a pretty little accessory to wear so I guess I can somewhat see the appeal that being a titleholder brings. I’m not above the things I just mentioned even if I already have them all in spades, it’s better to have too much instead of too little. It’s all rather fitting too since the level I compete on is far beyond the mediocrity you’ve been provided with so far, if you think people like Emmanuelle, Liz Karlson, Finnegan Wakefield, Jacob Senn or Azumi Goto are good, just wait until you see what I can do.

I’m picturing it now and boy oh boy am I excited, “Next Level Champion: Bea Havertz.” just sounds so right! In an ideal world, I’d just be handed the opportunity to face Emmy one on one because I don’t feel like I have to prove anything to the world, but unfortunately, nothing can be without fault, including management here in APEX so my weekend will be spent dealing with Henrietta from South Park come to life. Yay(!) See Jude, it’s not very nice to stereotype based on appearance is it? I would say I expected better but I didn’t, women like you aren’t as uncommon as you like to make out, sure, you appear strong, fit and have muscles upon muscles protruding out of your body but your mind is idiotic and frail. You’ve already proven that your strong physique deflates into nothingness as the gears in your mind pops off and roll into the abyss. Unlike you, I’m an individual who not only possesses the strength of graphene but I have a mind that can withstand just about anything - proven by the fact I did not get upset by your pathetic attempts at insulting me. Bimbo? Sure haven’t heard that one before Judy-wudy, gee you’re so clever! So clever and strong and scary, grr I’m shaking in my Alexander McQueen’s!

“But all I hear from your mouth is the fact that you used your assets to get noticed and didn't fight for this. You didn't bust flesh open day in and day out. Rip muscles & Torn tendons from hours of working on yourself. You did none of that to make it this far.” Bingo! You’re right! I’m not psychopathic like a large majority of you folk and I don’t think enduring hours and hours of borderline torture is something to brag about. You’re not a warrior baby, you're a victim. There isn’t a soul dead, damned, or alive that could make me doubt or question my own authority when it comes to sharing the same stage with the top stars of this industry. A woman such as myself turning up on the scene and making it perfectly obvious that she is gunning straight for the throne with a clear shot at the temple, point blank, no chance of missing, and inserting herself directly beneath the spotlight the old age pensioners of this sport have soaked up for long enough doesn’t happen often. You may think this is your time but it’s not Judy. Yeah, I don’t have to but I’m generous enough to prove it to you. And this goes for everyone, regardless of division, gender, experience, or skill-level. The minute an opportunity arises for me to stake my claim, I’m going for it. No hesitation, no negotiation. It’s mine. EVERYTHING IS MINE! I am nothing like these bitches you may be used to dealing with--no, correction, they are nothing like me. We haven’t even started to really scratch at the surface of what I’m capable of, nor have we uncovered the entire story, the full account, the detailed report on what exactly the hell it is I’m about to do to this company, this industry. Neither have I, if I’m being honest, but I already know that I’m going places, babe. This is exactly where I belong, and I’m going to prove that I’m suited for the top, one way or another. There is not a person signed that can do what I do, that can bring what I bring to the table. I’m here to eat. I have every intention of remaining well-fed for the rest of my professional wrestling career and the lasting impression I will boldly leave behind.

The only thing monstrous about you is that dreadfully tacky makeup, not to worry though because once I’m through with you? I’ll give you the number of my lady, she’s a miracle worker and can make you look like a functioning member of society whilst covering the bruises I give you in just a few hours! Thank me later.

"Bimbo?" - Aw Judy thinks I'm pretty!  8637d50e3ff36542d6a59dd903ad6da004ad7fec_hq

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